Reviews for The Rest of Forever
gorgeous chapter 9 . 5/1/2011
This was so beautifully written I cried. Hisoka being put into vulnerable situations, such as having to be fed and cradled, had a staggering impact. He's so closed off from these simple comforts that when actually forced into them it was so lovely. You're an amazing writer.
drana0 chapter 9 . 3/16/2010
Fantastic story! Perfect grammer and spelling. Simply Great!

Keep on writing
AkageOkami chapter 9 . 1/23/2010
Simply AMAZING. you don't give your excellent writing enough credit! I can't wait to read your other stories - great job and please keep writing!
DragonSteel chapter 9 . 5/5/2008
Wow, the end is so incredibly adorable.

That's right, Tatsumi! Kick his ass!
Vaoni chapter 9 . 4/12/2007

Really. Brilliant. And so much fluff I could drown in it BUT just the right amount of angsty goodness!

Once again...Fantastic.
Ahria chapter 9 . 10/9/2006
I liked this one too! I like that you keep them IC. I also enjoyed angry Tatsumi... lol
Maurice Valmont chapter 2 . 3/7/2006
dun dun dun! So I'm kinda late am I not? u.u well... yeah, it's a good fic *3* XD
AkaiButterfly chapter 9 . 12/5/2005
_ It was so good! I loved it muchly, I look foward to reading a lot of other stuff. Really made my heart jump in some places. O_O (
ShadowBlue chapter 9 . 10/22/2005
That was an awesome story! Words can't express it. All I can say is that it was just...wonderful! Definitely an automatic fave.

“We were worried half to—- oh, wait, already dead. Pretty worried, in any case.” Haha, I love that line. _
Heartless Little Thing chapter 9 . 9/11/2005
I'm wobbling in my seat, I'm so overwhelmed - angst, POWERFUL, moving angst, then fluff, fluffy-fluff... (melts into happy goo) I love this, I love you.
GSYH chapter 9 . 7/24/2005
I know it implies that Muraki is seriously wounded but will survive, but it warms my black little heart to think of him bleeding out somewhere, preferably from his crotch, for days, and then finally arriving for judgement with one person who looks like his mother in court.
GSYH chapter 6 . 7/24/2005
The runes, destory the runes! Dig at it with anything, rub it away. Even impossible attempts at escapes is enough to keep the mind saner.

Poor Hisoka.

Suffer Muraki, suffer!

Haven't any of the 3 left consider capturing Muraki together and torturing the information out of him?
Zanzou chapter 9 . 1/28/2005
; I just reread this, and I was wondering if I could have your permission to write an alternate-ending/AU for it?

XD; The idea is eating my BRAIN.
NatsumiKistune chapter 9 . 9/23/2004
AW! kawaii! good hisoka torture folowed by cuddling _.
QG chapter 9 . 8/28/2004
I have a greatly understated POOR HISOKA to say before anything else. I liked the not-quite-romantic-but-still-incredibly-sweet interactions with Hisoka and Tsuzuki at the end; the almost overwhelming sense of comfort and security as it compared to the horrible loneliness and cold was wonderfully done. Hisoka's fear of loneliness and the startling let down that came when he and Tsuzuki stopped touching reflected well how he had changed since becoming a shinigami - he didn't have any of those comforting, loving feelings before meeting Tsuzuki, and so the withdrawl was worse after being enfolded in all of Tsuzuki's honest, caring feelings.

I suppose critiques are a moot point given that you finished this over a year ago, but I'll add in my two cents just the same. Feel free to ignore this if you wish! I think, first of all, that your writing was consistently lovely. Just keep doing what you're doing and you'll be fine. The only things I would address are plot points that seemed, to me, a bit unresolved. For example, I figured something more would come of Kyoko Arai and her connection with Muraki. I wondered how Muraki could think that Tsuzuki would forget about Hisoka, when he's most probably going to correctly jump to the conclusion that Hisoka is being hurt and should therefore be saved. That, of course, can be explained with Muraki being a creepy bastard who probably doesn't always think straight (oh ho ho). Thirdly, I wondered a bit about the compelling force that led Tsuzuki to where Hisoka was being held.

All in all, though, this was a delightfully angsty read and I commend you for writing so much. A round of applause!
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