Reviews for Mass Anomalies
DragonTetho chapter 7 . 7/4
My fucking God, I hope he gets knock off a peg to realize what he's doing is nothing but antagonizing other pips. Too cocky, too arrogant, and high on his power(I would too).
DragonTetho chapter 4 . 7/4
I am gonna say this, he's fucking stupid. I always read my contracts or any shits that need my signature or agreement over I've got that beaten to my head by my family, also he could've joined the Alliance and since he's a natural biotic he could breeze through things and could take the Infiltrator route if he's patient and could probably get to N program. Then again it's overrated and I love this kind of setting.
Nikkless chapter 19 . 2/18
feels quite messy with the other fanfics ocs
Nikkless chapter 18 . 2/18
mc feels too cocky
Nikkless chapter 17 . 2/18
not really a fan off adding the other oc characters from other fanfics
Nikkless chapter 16 . 2/18
and mc shouting Justice really. just no, just no
Nikkless chapter 16 . 2/18
mc is starting to feel like a show off and an andrealine junkie
Nikkless chapter 5 . 2/17
hope Aila wont die
Nikkless chapter 2 . 2/17
only thing i dont like about this fic is his subconcious mind shit. otherwise its good
Nikkless chapter 1 . 2/17
not really a fan of mc crazy double personality disorder
Guest chapter 28 . 5/5/2019
Shame it had to end this way
Guest chapter 28 . 12/13/2018
You forgot the 'now'
He really needs to be killed now
Otherwise they will torture him first

Thank you for sharing.
RIOSHO chapter 28 . 8/12/2018
Please finish. This is fucking awesome lmao
Warder117 chapter 28 . 5/17/2018
This fic is awesome! PLZ update!
D72 chapter 28 . 2/2/2018
Seeing as this was the last chapter, I'm guessing she took the order to kill him seriously.
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