Reviews for The Phoenix and the Snowbird
Googoloplexo chapter 7 . 8/30
AAAAH! India is mentioned in this chapter! *eccentric patriotic dancing*
And I'm seriously loving this story. Can't wait to finish...
Again thank you, author, know...putting the word India. Ya don't know how happy I am!
Mark of Arendelle chapter 26 . 2/11
cant help but feel respect for you more. you have senior year and writing this awesome story at the same time? wow, I know this comment is 6 years late but still, you have my respect
ariddletobesolved chapter 20 . 1/22
"Unfortunately, Hans was an ass."

An arse he was, indeed.
Justpassingby chapter 1 . 12/7/2019
It’s funny now after watching Frozen II that a lot of your past readers couldn’t fathom Elsa giving up the throne :’)
T-tawny chapter 5 . 11/9/2019
Weenie douchbag Prince. I love
WhatIsThis'Sleep'YouSpeakOf chapter 33 . 9/17/2019
This has been a pleasure to read! Thank you for sharing it with us! I know it has been a long time, so maybe you won't even get these reviews any more, maybe you don't know your story is still being enjoyed by others.

Unlike some of your other reviewers, I don't mind that Elsa loses her crown and leaves Arendelle behind. Given that she ran away once and was incredibly happy in that freedom, I don't think it's at all a stretch to imagine her reacting to the loss of her position with a degree of relief.

That bit about Anna and Kristoff was pretty great. The only thing that would have improved it was if one of Elsa's conditions to Ingvalda was to let Anna choose who she marries, even if it means changing the law. (I always worry for them-what if their country has rules about who royalty can get hitched to?) But I get the feeling we are assuming that she can marry whoever she damn well pleases and so no need for worry there.

Finally, I have to say I'm impressed you wrote this while in high school. I guess I have unfairly low expectations of the writing ability of teenagers (probably because I have to read the work of 13 year olds and can't imagine 4 years would make that much of a difference, that they could be writing like this). This was really well written. I'm impressed.
WhatIsThis'Sleep'YouSpeakOf chapter 4 . 9/16/2019
My first foray into this fandom and so far I’m enjoying it! You’ve really got a great writing style and I just LOVE how well you do Anna. She’s so vibrant and just leaps off the page. I can easily imagine Kristen Bell reading these lines. So much fun.

I’m not sure if a Fire Hans is a common trope in this fandom, but if it isn’t, it sure should be. It gives him a layer of complication that justifies (well, almost justifies, but not really at all) his earlier murderous behavior. The part in this chapter when he explains how he hates magic and how he felt compelled to snuff her magic and her life out, because of that hate, went a long way to explaining it.

I actually snorted out loud when the weenie douchebag tried to justify his belief that he’ll be a good king because he took care of her kingdom for a day or two (oh please, that is ridiculous. You passed out blankets and gave everyone the brilliant advice to “Stay inside and stay warmand that he actually thinks he can just find a group of people and become their king. Like the world is teeming with ungoverned, leaderless populations. Ugh. What a colonialist. I’m liking this story so far, but am so afraid the happy ending will involve him getting what he wants. Since I already know Elsa leaves the crown (thanks a lot for the spoiler, Highlander348, ya jerk) I know he’s not gonna end up King of Arendell...
highlander348 chapter 33 . 2/19/2019
So Elsa lost her crown. This story sucked!
FifthSpirit1213 chapter 1 . 1/8/2019
Yes, finally! A Helsa fanfiction!
Inanna chapter 16 . 12/31/2018
Maybe it's just me, but something about Ingvalda stinks like three day old fish. Now, it could be that she's just a self righteous prig that's doing what she thinks is best for Arendelle. Yet, she was pretty breezy about taking back the throne. Maybe it was an admonishment like a parent threatening to take away a favorite toy, but I don't know, Ingvalda just strikes me as power hungry. Not overtly, because that would be overplaying her hand, but I can't help but think she might be the big bad.

And dammit, Elsa, get a backbone around this woman. She may act like your parent, but she's not. You've got no (huge) qualms about pulling rank on Anna, you NEED to be doing it with Ingvalda. She's an advisor. They give advice, that doesn't mean you have to take it. Especially if you don't think it's all that great. (Maybe I just want to see Elsa make her own mistakes because I know she will take responsibility for them and rectify them instead of cowing to "wannabe Mommy knows best".)
T-tawny chapter 10 . 6/30/2018
This is my, what, fourth read through and it's still amazing!
vantapetal chapter 33 . 10/30/2017
I enjoyed this fic honestly. You were creative with the characters and their developments throughout the story was good as well. I was actually surprised Bhumi saved Charles. I kind of liked their short interaction too. I have to admit though, this was a rollercoaster ride but I pulled through. (Gosh I'm emotional) Keep up the good work.
vantapetal chapter 33 . 10/30/2017
I enjoyed this fic honestly. You were creative with the characters and their developments throughout the story was good as well. I was actually surprised Bhumi saved Charles. I kind of liked their short interaction too. I have to admit though, this was a rollercoaster ride but I pulled through. (Gosh I'm emotional) Keep up the good work.
Guest chapter 31 . 6/17/2017
Seriously, all women in India don't wear hijab or jilbab, we are a Hindu majority country, asshole
sadistic lunatic chapter 33 . 1/20/2017
Wonderful work! Thank you!
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