Reviews for Father's Funeral
Dragon Bone Z chapter 4 . 6/1/2019
This is beautiful. Simply beautiful.
The Worst Kind of Monster chapter 4 . 10/31/2017
An excellent story, and a most fitting end to the series. A final farewell. And while the original Ashes to Ashes was laden with innumerable tidbits and treats and continuity nods to the original series, I enjoyed also many call forwards and futuristic guesses found in the Dust to Dust chapters, imagining just what would become of the Four Mutant brothers once they were no longer Teenagers. Naturally, this is a prime opportunity to play matchmaker and ship them with whom YOU favor most, but overall, I can find myself agreeing with the couples as they are portrayed. As seems to be the canon of the 2012 series. And given the high prevalence of mutagen in most couples, it cuts down or eliminates most of the squick factor.

That said, I enjoyed meeting all of the future descendants, such as Summer, Shard, Anthony and Domino, as well as the trio of Athos, Porthos, and Aremis. But Dartanian in particular spoke to me. He seems very much like Leonardo himself, the dutiful son, but he manages not to be a carbon copy and retains some of his own quirks to keep him interesting. And since we see the story through his eyes, he helps share in the grief as we say farewell to the final father (for now at least).

Very well done. This story is a soothing balm as we also bid farewell to another television turtle series, and wait for things yet to come.
geekgirlchibi chapter 3 . 5/3/2017
omg I'm in love with this amazing story! I love Dart so much! I love everything you did writing this! :)

Can't wait to meet the others!
Guest chapter 3 . 5/3/2017
Love this story so far , update soon
Guest chapter 3 . 4/23/2017
The Final Avenger chapter 3 . 4/21/2017
I just felt a cold hand wrap around my heart and squeeze.
BubblyShell22 chapter 1 . 3/22/2017
Awesome start to this though Kirby was un-mutated in the episode "The Lonely Mutation of Baxter Stockman" though he hasn't been used much since then really and that's a shame. Nicely done on this.

The Bubbly One,
PopcornWolf10 chapter 2 . 3/22/2017
Awww this was so cute! Can't wait for more, keep it up! :D
PopcornWolf10 chapter 1 . 11/20/2016
Oh my god. Dude this is the most beautiful piece of handcrafted written work I have ever read...
Flint Nathanson chapter 1 . 10/21/2016
I wish I had a father like Master Splinter, not the kind of father who gets scared shit when he see's a newborn in a proud mother's womb. Who runs away before he becomes a Dad to a very special boy who is a future drug-addicted, Red Lobster-loving, psychopathic, CEO of a big national corporation/anti-hero. Who all of a sudden cannot come back as a real man to apologize for his bullshit because he got killed in a plane crash due to a seagull getting sucked into the turbine engine and destroying the wing, 7 people killed in the crash. May God greet Master Splinter as a friend. May the Spirits of the Hamato Clan be with The Family, always. The Dark Lord Shredder had no love or friendship in his quest for vengeance, no shame and no regard for anything or anyone he tormented or murdered. I admit, I'm a bad piece of work, but The Shredder, that soulless devil, no humanity, no sense of right or wrong, no NOTHING! 24/7 insanity and delusions of grandeur, taking innocent people and claiming them as his "property" and treating them like objects and weapons of war, plunging chaos, crime, corruption, injustice, and civil war and strife in cities, mass homicide on families and children day in and day out! Never regretted nothing, never cared for nothing or nobody, well FUCK HIM! Fuck him and his Foot Clan! I mean there's got to be a limit, a point where an asshole like me has to say that enough is fucking enough! Not even The Joker is different from this heinous devil!
Hamato Spirit chapter 1 . 8/7/2016
In the fullness of time, we all must meet our end.
Scott Smith chapter 1 . 3/9/2016
Oh, my God, that was beautiful, I love this story, I wish the Hamato Clan peace and the Foot Clan wiped off the face of the Earth forever, Death to the Shredder!
Scott Smith chapter 1 . 1/16/2016
Oh, my God, those pour souls, why do they have to endure this awful Hell that this black-hearted wicked man has unleashed upon them? Why does Miwa have to be tormented by the Shredder's insatiable thirst for blood, chaos, madness, death, and vengeance? When will Miwa finally be with her true friends and family again forever? What will it take to end the dark forces of the Kraang and the Foot Clan? When will this Injustice end? I pray to God that the Hamato Clan will finally find peace and the evil masked crime lord, The Shredder, will die and his black soul will finally burn in Hell forever. Death to the Shredder, the Foot Clan, the Kraang, and to all those who have committed the most unforgivable and unforgettable sin, AMEN!
SuperHeroFan82 chapter 1 . 10/14/2014
i had tears flowing... I am writing the final chapter for my story Firsts, and it is hard to do... its about a final farewell to Splinter... and I have cried many times...
YourBiggestFan chapter 1 . 10/1/2014
*sniff* I think I've got something in my eye...
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