Reviews for I Brought You In, I'm Going Out with You Baby
Liv-x-Case-Benson chapter 1 . 6/25/2014
Good story!
LilyBolt chapter 1 . 4/15/2014
Ok, so you have this uncanny ability to make me laugh right before you make me want to cry. Sometimes you manage to getting me chuckling whilst breaking on the inside. It's an insane sort of gift, but you should be proud for having it. ;) You wrote all of the sassy attitude of both Harvelle women beautifully, with all of their spark just pouring through their inner monologues. I could really hear their voices as I read, and it was so nice to experience their characters so clearly again, since it's been a while. You gave them some pretty amazing lines, many of which made me laugh. To pick a favorite though, I'd have to go with this one:

"Sam and Dean, Castiel (an angel, my god is this life sideways), Bobby, Goddamnit Joanna Beth What the Hell are You Doing Here, and I are down for a war. Again."

The way she labeled Jo there was absolutely fabulous. :D

But for all the jokes in this story, there was this real current of emotion running through the whole thing, and by the end, I just wanted to crack. The loss of those women was a real tragedy on the show, and it hurts like heck to think about. Then you go and write this, and capture all the pain in a well-written story, and somehow amplify it, and now I'm kind of emotionally wrecked, so thanks. :P Like this line here:

"And they may not be my last words, but those are the only ones that have ever mattered."

Yup. That killed me right with both those girls. :'( Really though, I loved this whole this. Keep up the absolutely epic work. :D