Reviews for The Wheel
SmileyRusy chapter 32 . 11/7/2017
This story had me on the edge of my seat, the characterisation is spot on, the plot loops along at a lighting pace I felt very real dread reading it. I wish you had been a ghost writer for Animorphs.
StoriesAreMagic chapter 31 . 7/7/2017
I adore this story with a burning passion.
Ava Blook chapter 31 . 12/19/2015
Wow. A really great fic! Follows what I remember as the Animorphs formula and improves on it, the plot is good, Marco's voice is great, a good setup and mission, overall a nice book that feels like it could mesh into the series pretty well. Nice writing! :)
Guest chapter 1 . 12/5/2015
awesome story!
Guest chapter 21 . 4/19/2015
Mary Sue? Seriously? On the other hand, this is really good so far!
inside padme's wardrobe chapter 31 . 2/27/2015
Wow. Gotta say, this was freaking great. It read like a true Animorphs book. The plot was interesting, the characters were spot on and the writing was well done. This is an older fanfic, but please write more Animoprhs fics! There are so few really great Animorphs fics out there, very few up to this caliber! Anyway, thank you for writing it. I truly enjoyed it! Now, onto The Heretic!
Sakura Isthill chapter 1 . 11/21/2014
Wow this is great! I've only finished the first chapter so far but I am enjoying this already. It feels like reading an actual animorphs book, you have the style down so well.
Forestwater chapter 32 . 7/20/2014
This was incredible. I don’t even know . . . it’s like I was reading another Animorphs book after all this time. I know this sounds really cheesy, but it feels like a gift to have the series continued by someone who so perfectly captured KAA’s writing style and characters. It’s a freaking work of art, and all I can do is thank you for writing something so good. And you make me feel sad because I am and will always be inferior. That too. :P
theyoungphoenix chapter 32 . 11/12/2013
I loved this story! Great job! Now I want to go see if you have any more Ani stories and go read them! :D
ShadowMajin chapter 21 . 9/22/2011
That was the most brilliant Mary Sue reference I have ever seen. I haven't laughed like that in a while, so thank you, thank you so much. That really made my day.
Amethyst Asheryn chapter 30 . 4/29/2011
These last few chapters, I think, are some of the best in this entire story. From the moment that Cassie reveals Rachel's Yeerk to the end of this chapter-every word is my favorite. The climaxes of Animorphs books, you know, they tend to be really battle-oriented, which is good as things go. But this, having Marco and Yeerk Rachel trapped away from the action in their own personal bubble of antagonism, this is perfect. And still your characterisation doesn't slip a single notch; Marco is great. And as final defiant sentaments go, quoting Jules Verne isn't so bad.

I remember thinking pretty much the same thing the first time I read this and my view hasn't changed. This is really intense and well done, and thank you very much for writing it for us!

Amethyst Asheryn chapter 5 . 4/29/2011
So, allow me to be a bit unorthodox here and come back to submit a review months and months after my last one ... on an earlier chapter.

I do feel like my last review was a bit of a cheat, and rereading this story has shown me how right I was. This is really a hilarious read and I don't think I can emphasise that enough. It's too bad you were never writing Animorphs books for real (I assume); you would pull it off like whoa.

The only thing that bugs me about this story isn't even in the plot or characterisations, but I feel I ought to point it out anyway. In chapter 2, there's this:

"Unofficially, we've saved each other's lives so many times that I was beginning to wonder if we aren't being set up by the author of some series to fall in love. But that would mean I'd have to fall in love with Ax, Tobias, Jake, and Rachel, too. And while I'm okay with Rachel, I'm just not interested in the rest of them. Sorry, guys."

Me, I'm all for meta take-thats at fans or series; I think they're great fun if done right. But this one seems to stick out quite a bit. Like, it doesn't quite gel with the narration. It's hard to explain, which I know isn't helpful, but it does strike me as a bit out of place. I know you can pull it off; heck, the Animorphs series itself makes meta jabs quite a bit. I just don't think this one particularly fits.

That aside, though, I still adore this story. Ax misunderstanding Marco's turns of phrase, "don't knock the bard, said the bird", Ax's random over-the-top laughter ... everything is spot-on.

I'd probably better sign off before I start repeating myself more than I already am. But thanks, again, so much for giving us this.

oobergoober chapter 2 . 2/8/2011
So it's been almost a decade and I doubt you'll get this but my friend and I renewed our Animorphs addiction in leiu of actually studying and that led me back to this story and I just thought you should know it's still pretty kick ass
dogman15 chapter 32 . 12/6/2010
I'm just here to say that I read the whole thing, loved it, got seriously concerned, laughed out loud, and now I'm going to add my two cents over at TV Tropes.
dogman15 chapter 31 . 12/6/2010
This seems a lot like quarantining, like the quarantining done after the Apollo 11 mission to the Moon, or after a disease attacks every member of a ship, and they're all locked up in the sick ward when they get back to land.

Great ending, by the way. I've read other fan fictions that take place in the middle of the series, but none would be harder for the characters to ignore than this one. I still love it. Now on to read your "final note" chapter.
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