Reviews for Zero One Arc: Book I: The Perfect Soldier
Caroline-mina-chan chapter 1 . 1/15/2010
The way you've written this, it's like you have a way of making people become addicted to your stories. I find that amazing.

Bunch-o-Nuts chapter 19 . 2/28/2006
Well, a very interesting chapter once again. Glad to have read it, and I hope it only gets better. However, it is time for me to study again.
Bunch-o-Nuts chapter 10 . 2/27/2006
Interesting...but I have procrastinated homework enough currently. I will have to return once it is done...
KatsyKat chapter 25 . 1/19/2006
This was the singularly most amazing take on Heero having a sister I have ever read! You writing is exquisite! I hope you keep it up for a very long time because I will look forward to reading… (after – of course – I devour all your arcs!) lol
Thursday's Dove chapter 25 . 10/1/2005
Oh my God. That was AMAZING. This story was really moving for me. I think the plot was excellent. The way you exploit and describe every human emotion in this story was incredible. My only regret is that you don't own Gundam Wing, because if you did I think this would make a great published book. I'm going to read your other stuff now. PLEASE don't ever stop writing!
Avid Reader chapter 24 . 11/10/2004
I LOVE this fic! It's awes-moe! On to the sequel for me!
Avid Reader chapter 25 . 10/20/2004
Awesome fic! I love the twists and turns of it. Can't wait to read the sequels of it!
Memeal chapter 23 . 9/6/2004
Beautiful. Just beautiful. I love the introspection in this fic.
Memeal chapter 8 . 9/4/2004
You know, the reason I've got this affinity for yaoi-slash fiction (some of it anyway) is the fact that there is an equality of a sense in the relationships. Everyone is just who they are, not fulfilling roles of the weak victimized woman and the strong, powerful hero man. (I've thought about this for months, trying to figure it out LOL) And so it's always a wonderful treat to find my preferred pairing doing the exact same thing, a strong, individual woman with a strong, individual man... their strengths and weaknesses matching out and no one person acting as the force of hero'ism or victim, but for the situation that dictates it.

I love the women in this. They are just like that. Well rounded with good senses of self and such, and no need to fulfill some social norm and yet, in being who they are, they don't lose the fact they are women either. They just don't live their lives as if they were a woman. They live it like they were who they were, no excuses and no roles. Very nice job. This is the second fic I've managed to read that did this. And I'm loving it!
Memeal chapter 1 . 9/3/2004
It's a little late in the game to be reviewing something so long gone, but it never hurts to have more numbers on the "Reviews" column, I've found.

Okay, so I broke down and gonna start on this series. Mainly because I haven't the heart to work on my own stuff. Hee. Maybe after work's settled down or something.

NOICE beginning! Oh man... now who is the Heero and who is not, hum?

Really like the game and the way you described the doors and the first mission. It's very... monotonous, as if the entire mission is empty, which gives it the perfect tone. So not monotonous in a bad way. (Sure sure... well, it's true!) And the contrast between that and the controlled chaos of the poker game is just awesome.

Okay.. on the road with me, I'll read more when I can. This one has captured the imagination as your fics seem to be very adept at doing. It's also neat to see the way your writing has tightened up, reading what you're doing now as opposed to what you did then. The focus isn't as strong here, and it still manages to capture the imagination. Of course, I'm biased. :)
02slittlebaka chapter 25 . 7/23/2004
Elda Aranel chapter 25 . 6/12/2004
That was amazing. I loved how you twisted everything to your favor. The humor and drama was absolutely sweet. Read ya later.

Ichigo Gamu chapter 25 . 2/23/2004
wow that was an awesome fanfiction. it made me cry and laugh at different parts. i love Duo and i like i that he had a sister in this fic. i think it's kewl how everyone learns their pasts
SaintSon chapter 1 . 10/25/2003
oh a semi auto-matic. Now that's good if the spring go bad you cans til use it. It ain't a barttea i hope i mean geting shout with barrtea ain't gonna do nothing unless in the head mian artiy or liver or heart or neck. nut a 44 might nock your arm off. Though i'm still partial to an ozzi
The Fic Critic chapter 24 . 10/12/2003
I must say, besides the Wufei abuse, this is one of the greatest stories on . So I will give you the Masterpiece rating, which less than ten authors have received in my hundreds of reviews. If you are gifted with HTML know-how, which I most certainly am not, feel free to make a banner for yourself on your website (if you have one). Great Job! i will look forward to reading more of your work.
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