Reviews for Broken
ThatBigBlueBox chapter 9 . 5/19/2017
Yay, this story is back! Oh, I'm seriously hoping the Doctor will be forced to go into Elysium in order to stop it or something like that. Just for the angst XD can't wait for the next chapter!
TiaKisu chapter 8 . 12/21/2014
Don't you worry. I for one am a very patient reader and know far too well what it's like to be too busy to write, so don't fear about losing me. As long as your updates keep being so wonderful I will be there to read them.

Yours is a very sensitive style of writing, introspective and gentle. I love getting inside the characters' heads - things that are not spoken out loud but said with a gesture or a look fascinate me and I find them be present in this story. Bascially you work with two layers: the obvious story (like in this case the mystery of an seemingly empty Veex), and the inner workings of the character (mainly the Doctor as it is). Both you manage to combine very well what makes reading this be a pleasure.

He is afraid of losing her because she's all that he has left in his new life, and he has already given what ever is left of his home to her. I adore how you make him realise this in what could be described as a somewhat random moment.

I hope you'll have a lovely holiday season. Here's looking forward to the next chapter. And good luck with school!
TiaKisu chapter 7 . 8/13/2014
Oh, this new chaper is so beautiful! I really like how emotional it is, and how it flows so nicely. You start off with the Doctor's thoughts about Rose, and what makes her so special in his eyes; then move to her nightmare and this scene that is so intimate in the best of ways.
You have him understand what it is that he has seen and felt, add that tiny bit of lightheartedness that somehow defines Rose and him, only to end this chapter with stealing a glimpse into the deepest recesses of the Doctor's hearts. Him being so very close to telling her; finding out that around her he is more human than he should be - that was awesome.

I really enjoy works that focus on the emotional aspect of things, that explore the inner workings of a character and your fiction fits that perfectly. So far the read was more than just pleasant and I am looking forward to more!

Now, as for a theory: I suppose you mean ideas about that piece of time within Rose? Well, it's a remnant of the Vortex isn't it - the echo of Bad Wolf. Her deed that will send ripples back and forwards in time. At least, that's what I thought it was.

Thanks for sharing this story with us. I hope you'll continue to enjoy writing it.
Godiva9 chapter 7 . 8/12/2014
Aww some sweet bonding time with a dash of foreshadowing! Good chapter! : )
Godiva9 chapter 6 . 8/5/2014
I am definitely enjoying this story so far, I love how even though they just met (or have the 'Just' met hmm), Rose is already helping the Doctor heal! I look forward to reading more, and solving the mystery of Rose and the TARDIS keep up the great work! : )
fantastictyler chapter 6 . 8/2/2014
I really like the story so far.
cascade27 chapter 6 . 7/19/2014
I am enjoying your take on this season. Cant wait for the next chapter
TiaKisu chapter 6 . 7/15/2014
Oh, I love this new chapter. You've got such a beautiful way of writing this, it's so introspective in the best of ways and so very in-character for both Rose and the Doctor.

The teasing and challenging between the two are portrayed so very well, and I adore how the TARDIS obviously knows Rose and has probably been waiting for her.
I think, this could very well be the best re-write I have come across so far and I'm already looking forward to the next chapter.

Thanks a lot for writing and sharing. I really enjoy the read!
BrightWatcher chapter 6 . 7/14/2014
Oh I like this... The glimpse into the Doctor's thoughts is wonderful...

Good luck with your writers muse!
JonNebula chapter 6 . 7/14/2014
I really like how you did the wrap up for the end of the world, it was fantastic. I really want to know what the hell is going on with Rose! Great chapter can't wait for the next update :)
TiaKisu chapter 5 . 6/27/2014
I must say, so far I really like your take on the events. The idea that the TARDIS influenced things right from the start in such an obvious way, that Rose even knows what the ship is called is such an intriguing one. Right now I assume it has to do with Bad Wolf and the fact that Rose and the TARDIS will be connected and that this is an echo of what is to come. In any case, I appreciate the changes - whether subtle or more obvious - a lot. This is indeed not just a re-write at all and I find myself truly enjoying the read.

Skipping the parts that you have not altered is fine though at times a challenge, because you also don't want to give the impression of a rushed story. But in this chapter it worked pretty well and I'm certain you'll do equally good with whatever is to come.

I am looking forward to finding out where you'll take this. Thanks for writing and sharing!
TapDancingKittens chapter 5 . 6/24/2014
I love the changes you've made to this episode. I can't wait to see what you come up with next.
JonNebula chapter 4 . 6/18/2014
Ohhhhh excellent chapter. Love how rose is willing to help him already! Great chapter, cannot wait for the next update!
TiaKisu chapter 4 . 6/15/2014
Oh, this is just lovely! And indeed it is all but a re-write, which quite frankly is amazing.

I really like your take on that episode and how there's all those little details that you change.
My first impression of Rose here is that she might be a tiny bit more mature in this version, but maybe that's just me. In any case, she's just as determined and compassionate as in the show and so far really rather in-character.

Right from the start she reminds the Doctor of what is important and I must say I do appreciate this. In general, you seem to take what was given in the series but you add more depth to it all. By telling us of the Doctor's thoughts and how he experiences it all, you add a whole new level to the ongoing events. And I for one am really intrigued by this!

Now I cannot wait to see where you'll be taking this, because I have a feeling this version of S1 is going to be pretty fantastic. :)

Thanks a lot for writing and sharing. TK
sherlockedbyben chapter 1 . 6/15/2014
omg the feels, you write this so amazingly
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