Reviews for You Could Taste Heaven Perfectly
SmartyPants chapter 17 . 2/4/2014
This story's so cool! God, hurry up and write the next chapter already! I'm getting impatient! And it'd better end in a happy way with no Lily fattys butting in as is her custom.
Lisa Cooper chapter 17 . 12/13/2013
YOU COULD TASTE HEAVEN PERFECTLY is such a sweet and sour story. Sour in how awful it is when someone tries to force for "what it looks like"'s sake. It is sweet in how Mia and Michael treat each other; in particular how Michael treats Mia as the dust is settling. At the end it is so wonderful how he says he will look after her at the end of Chapter 17. Thank you for writing this story. It is awful, but as I mentioned it's also redeemingly sweet. If you care to continue, I'd love to read more, BUT I know other things in life must come first. Happy Holidays, L. Cooper
Guest chapter 17 . 1/10/2013
Is this complete? If it's not then please update I really like it :)
Lisa Cooper chapter 1 . 12/15/2012
It was a good story in one shot. I really enjoyed it. I liked getting both points of view, but what would you think about just putting in so and so said, or so and so thought, etc. instead of Mia's view or Michael's view or what ever the case maybe. Sorry if you don't like the idea; you're writing pretty well already. Thanks for your story, L.
Juliette-Tiggy chapter 17 . 11/15/2012
I love this story. Update x
A Person chapter 17 . 1/13/2012
wow this is good :)
Shar chapter 17 . 9/30/2011
Hi I'm reading this and I have to say it is the most well written story I've seen on here so far and the only one I didn't want to stop reading. In fact, I liked it so much I even told a bunch of friends about it please PLEASE continue D
PetitMoi207 chapter 4 . 2/27/2011
this is really good! i like it a lot!
guitargirl656 chapter 17 . 12/23/2010
Awww I think I might love you for writing this! I love that song ny the fray also, I am going to learn it on the guitar now! Thanks again for writing this!
guitargirl656 chapter 16 . 12/23/2010
I absolutely love this and wouldn't want to fnd fault, however earlier on you asked for the good the bad and the ugly so you added a "she" in the sentence "though she she is wearing nothing"; by mistake pbviously- I just told you in case you wanted to change it! Thank you for writing this. I have been reading non-stop for an embarrassing period of time.
guitargirl656 chapter 13 . 12/23/2010
I have loved reading your fanfiction so far, "she will be loved" has been my favourite song so far. I think you have excellent writing skills, with very few -if not no- S.P.G errors. I think that you are an excellent writer and my only wish would be is that you would put in your favourite line or lines of a song as sometimes it can be very long to read. Furthermore, I believe that we have similar taste in music and I think you would like Snow Patrol and General Fiasco; if you haven't already heard of them. Good luck for the future and thank you for writing this excellent story.
MisticStar chapter 1 . 6/27/2010
!u go girl!first chap and they are already together!U are beyond Awesome!I love it!i'm gonna read chap 2 now,i'm sure its just as awesome!
Helena K chapter 17 . 6/18/2010
Really enjoyed your take on the princess diaries series. I especially liked the way you link each chapter to a song as I've never seen that done before. Keep up the good work and update soon! Xx
fiendfyrewriter chapter 17 . 4/24/2010
cool continue
zara chapter 17 . 4/15/2010
wow, i think your a really good writer, the suspense is killing me by the time i finished reading, please write more!


your #1 fan:)
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