Reviews for Have you ever fallen for someone, You know, Unlikely?
StrongGuy159 chapter 20 . 8/17
Cool chapter continue please.
StrongGuy159 chapter 19 . 5/3
Nice chapter continue please.
Guest chapter 17 . 1/21/2019
If possible have dawn Ursula and may share ash this way they all win and won't leave with a broken heart and can find a way to work things out fairly as they share ash as their boyfriend
Guest chapter 19 . 1/19/2019
I'm curious what kind of advance shipping story do u have in mind if u don't mind me asking and how many chapters do u plan to have it at am a big fan of advance shipping to I ship those two together especially with manaphy involved when he's involved I see ash and may as a married couple raising their first child together and Pikachu as his older brother together they make a perfect family in my opinion its like they made a family of their own and this could help them get ready to when they do become real parents for their future children (I'm not talking for it to be in this story it's just me talking as an advance shipping fan but it could be an interesting idea for the advance shipping story u plan to make to have manaphy involved with ash and may
StrongGuy159 chapter 18 . 1/17/2019
Cool chapter continue please.
Guest chapter 17 . 9/10/2017
And it will also give us Pearl shipping fans to at least have a chapter where not just ash and dawn having their date but also share that special moment together when they share their first kiss
Guest chapter 17 . 9/10/2017
I know dawn and ash are not the main pairing here but can u at least give them a chance to at least let them share their first kiss on the lips this way it can help ash get a taste of what love feels like and how powerful the emotions can be and he can use this as a learning experience to when ash and ursla have their moment and truly become a couple
StrongGuy159 chapter 17 . 9/9/2017
Cool chapter continue please.
GA Pokemon Fan chapter 16 . 8/10/2017
i love this fanfic dont see many outburstshipping fanfics keep it up
Guest chapter 16 . 8/9/2017
I say ash should do what dawn wouldn't expect that I know she will enjoy and that's to kiss dawn right on the lips that will not only give her a reason to be surprised but also to enjoy the moment she definitely won't expect ash to give dawn a kiss on the lips right out of no where she will definitely be caught off guard with that move
KhaosOmega chapter 2 . 4/21/2016
Uh, Plusle and Minun can't learn Volt Tackle. It's a Pikachu line exclusive. (some of my characters can get any Pokémon to use any move, via a mod technique dubbed 'Omega Override')
Also, Ursula's Eeveelutions are Gen I, but have Hidden Power types of the Gen II pair.
seeldewgong chapter 16 . 11/10/2015
Finish this please.
Are all the names used chapter 16 . 7/25/2015
"And that's all you get"
Well then! Had to take a deep breath to stop myself from yelling for a bit. I was just a tad bit... surprised.
Plasma57 chapter 16 . 7/24/2015
Excellent story, please update soon.
StrongGuy159 chapter 16 . 7/24/2015
Nice chapter continue please.
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