Reviews for In Hell as it is in Heaven
PikaMew1288 chapter 2 . 1/15/2019
You know, It makes me wonder what would happen should Urd manage to successfully completely merge both halves of her heritage? Would she become the leader of a third side representing Balance like how Asgard represents Good and Hell represents Evil.
Hikari Nova chapter 11 . 11/30/2017
revive and update please this is really interesting
Rune Tobor chapter 11 . 9/9/2017
Things to resolve...
Riley and the organization behind him.
Tara and the people who took her from her father.
The priest and his superiors in Rome.
Dawn and Linda.
Harmony and Lind.
Various ascensions, tho I can't see Sheila and Ira as anything but human.
Willow and Joyce, will Urd stay with Asguard?
Dealing with the PTB.
Is there an Initiative to worry about?
Glory sounds like a thing out of the Cuthulu mythos, will she show up?
Is there a Stargate to worry about? The Goa'uld vs real gods, could be fun!

This is too good a story to leave incomplete, please update soon.
Rune Tobor chapter 7 . 9/9/2017
Here's a cosmology for you.
There are gods, you have a good handle on them.
Alongside are demons, who are not simply evil, more OTHER...
But both unite to oppose The CUTHULU MYTHOS! Insanity Incarnate!

I see The Powers That Be as not gods, but as local lower management of good who have been corrupted.

Promoting BALANCE is EVIL, it prevents good from winning, prolonging suffering.
arturus chapter 11 . 4/17/2017
A spectacular crossover...masterful.
GeorgeTobor chapter 1 . 3/25/2016
I think you mean attracted not attired.
Nemoskull chapter 11 . 3/14/2016
but but but, its been 8 months!
i want more!
MadMaskJK chapter 5 . 1/23/2016
Update please
Rune Tobor chapter 11 . 7/20/2015
I've been thinking again, the nerd trio, Warren, Andrew, and Tucker, they were not nice guys.
So what about them, I don't think they would make good Elohim, and Warren might actually rebel against Joyce, he's bad news. Oh and Rack, I hope he's dead or worse.

Something this big should show up on the Devon Covens "radar".
I always thought Joss the Jerk pulled that out of nowhere, why did the coven not pick up on the resouling spell, or the will be done, or the resurrection? Why only the end of the world in season six?
I blame Giles, Jenny, Wesley, the PTB, and the Coven for not making sure Willow was trained right.
Oh and Joss the Jerk needs his balls jerked off for what he did to his people!

Did you know that Tara died just so he could brag about killing off a main character in a show?

Great ideas, good characters, lousy plot work, that's Joss.
Rune Tobor chapter 10 . 7/20/2015
I think one way to bring back Harmony is directly appealing to Lind.
Explaining to her that it is unbecoming of a goddess to treat a person like that.
Telling Lind the thing to do is to help Harmony grow, not suppress her.
Rune Tobor chapter 9 . 7/20/2015
Well Faith and her Watcher are now safe from Kakistos. And Dru will not kill Kendra so will Faith be called at all?

Tara would make a great Goddess, say of Peace or perhaps Wiccans. Goddess of Good Witches ... unless you have other plans.
Rune Tobor chapter 8 . 7/20/2015
War with the Watchers is coming, but will it be bloody or will it be a case of subversion?
The Council is too tradition bound, too sure of themselves, too arrogant, they will not take what happened peacefully. Travers at least will die. But what of Wesley Windham Price?
Rune Tobor chapter 7 . 7/20/2015
A few of those who were outside during Halloween can die, car crash, plane crash, mugger, etc...
Not too many though, only use it once if you can't see a way to bring them into the new Sunnydale.

Just an idea, you don't have to use it.

Oh and name the robot, Ron or Ronald, after Alice's father.
Rune Tobor chapter 6 . 7/20/2015
Yes conflict is coming, but with who?
The Soldats, almost certainly.
The Kalderash, maybe not, maybe so.
Rome, I hope not, they could be a large enemy...
Is the Initiative coming to town? The base under the college needs time to be built. They might show up soon.

And can the people of Sunnydale die a permanent death now?
Or are they phoenix like and killing them just forces a rebirth?

You'll answer these and other questions when you post new chapters.

They are just thoughts and maybe things you have not thought of yet.
Rune Tobor chapter 5 . 7/20/2015
Apophis and the Shining Ones...

Goa'uld and Ori?

It would give the 40k gods and demons of sunnydale something to do.

And how would the SGC react to real Gods?
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