Reviews for Breath of a snake
Mia Tia chapter 1 . 10/10/2017
VoicesOffCamera chapter 1 . 4/5/2015
This is a very interesting idea that Snape survived and no one knew. His thought read really well and I feel like your reasoning really suits him. I think I would have liked more concrete details of where exactly he was though. I was a little confused by that. But that is a minor complaint. I think overall this is really beautifully done.
excessivelyperky chapter 1 . 5/14/2014
Too bad he thinks that this miserable life is all he deserves after all he's been through. But then, nobody has ever loved him; amazing that he didn't turn out to be a DE for real (and if he had, Voldemort would have won).
Edhla chapter 1 . 4/3/2014
Fantastic idea and nicely realised. You seem to understand Snape's character and motives very well. I love the relaxed flow of your prose, though all the paragraphs here are very lengthy and some might benefit from being broken up. Thank you for writing xx
duj chapter 1 . 4/2/2014
I'd rather see this as a prologue than a vignette complete in itself. Doesn't he ever get over that shallow pretty girl and make himself a *life*?

(And when you say no one notices or cares where he is, are you implying they didn't even bother fetching his body for burial? Because that's just rotten of them.)