Reviews for Animorphs 54: The Beginning - Only, ya know, happier
JordanMathias chapter 12 . 7/12/2018
Thank you for fixing this, and by fixing I meant the original series. Why authors see the need to take everything away from the one character who has nothing (aka Tobias) is beyond me. Again, I now see this as the last book. Thank you.
lil dynamic chapter 13 . 3/31/2017
I've recently re read all the animorphs book for the first time in a decade and was furious at the last book, thank you for writing this story and make a better fitting end for Tobias and Rachel
lil dynamic chapter 12 . 3/31/2017
You got me on ch 11 cliffhanger, I thought she really died, you got me good
Point Given chapter 13 . 5/4/2016
Read your story over the course of the day. You know it's a good one when you look forward to breaks at work to read another,chapter. Very well done! I always hated the ending to Animorphs and I consider this to be my head canon one now. You captured everyone's characters wonderfully!
supercode chapter 13 . 4/7/2016
Great story! Loved that you had the whole team dynamic, not just Tobias and Rachel, down. Also, the nods to how things played out in the books. And the Elimnist and Crayak game seems to stretch on forever. You have them bicker like an old married couple in the last chapter, which makes sense. They must know each other well by now. I know you probably won't, but If you wrote a conclusion to those legendary characters struggle in a fic, I'm sure it would be epic .

In short, great plot, great charecterization, and great story. Better than the last done!
BlueJae7551 chapter 1 . 9/24/2015
Loved. Loved. LOVED THIS STORY! XD You do not know how many times I have dreamed and day-dreamed about an alternate ending to #54... *sigh* This was just perfect. Thank you for this.
DiamondNinja914 chapter 13 . 7/10/2015
It wasn't perfect, and there were parts where I thought things were getting a little slow, but by the end I had decided that this was the ending I accepted. As far as I'm concerned, this IS book 54. Well done, sir or madam. I have my childhood back. I am forever in your debt.
David Fishwick chapter 13 . 2/17/2015
Brilliant idea and thanks for writing as I enjoyed your story
centophennni chapter 13 . 2/8/2015
This story was fantastic! Please do a sequel! It's so hard to find good R/T fanfics. You did a brilliant job of writing them!
UltimateNinjaOfDoom chapter 13 . 2/8/2015
that was a pretty good story, loved it to bits :)
JL Wrighton chapter 13 . 2/2/2015
This was fantastic! Closure. Someone get applegate on the horn!
Guest chapter 13 . 1/13/2015
Please make some sort of sequel to this story! It is my favorite one!
red tail avenged chapter 13 . 1/6/2015
Nicely done i both love and loathe ellimist crayak arcs still I would rather had your story for a 54 than the dim witted uninterested garbage we got stuck with. Thank you most of all for completing this work I know full well how hard it is to end a story writing it character generation storyline that's easy but the discipline it takes to actually complete it hats off to you and super sincere thanks from a true fan
Anon Aristh chapter 13 . 1/6/2015
To the villain stategist first off your obviously not a true fan or at least not a compotent researcher or you would know that applegate quit writing after #25 with a few inputs here and there for the ellimist crayak arc ghost writers wrote the last half of the series. And while its true applegate and scholastic had to sign off on it by her own words she had grown bored with the story. The truth is she quit caring how it turned out her little authors note in #54 was her only contribution to that book. Get over yourself and your phyco babble not everyone who experiences war sustains ptsd. Look at ww2 veterans compared to the SSRI drug induced pussies from vietnam and today..further more tjmarc did one hell of a job on this story and character outline if you dont like it you can shut the f #$ up. Tj I think this story was top notch i would certainly rather have your work than the absolute trash scholastic published. Dont let verminous diseased haters like strategist get to you it takes really discipline to finish a story and youve done that exceptionally well. From a true fan thank you
SouthrnBelle chapter 13 . 1/5/2015
Do I see a sequel in the future?! I LOVEEEE this story!
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