Reviews for Where I Belong
Guest chapter 4 . 11/2/2014
I don't think she'll be able to catch up to him in time. A horse drawn wagon could never catch a steam powered train.
Guest chapter 4 . 11/2/2014
Those birds weren't the only prehistoric creatures Danny encountered. During his time at the ARC, he faced Giganotosaurus, flesh eating fungus, Titanis, Dracorex, futuristic ants, Embolotherium and Phorusrachus.

I still think Molly is being far too harsh to Danny. She should be thanking him and offering him rewards for his courage and self sacrifice. Danny is nothing like his brother.

He fought giant killer birds armed with a wooden plank to save her and that other person. If Danny had been like his brother, he would have left them to the Titanis while he made his escape.
Guest chapter 3 . 11/2/2014
Those monstrous birds were called Titanis. They're flightless flesh eating birds and voracious hunters that ruled the grasslands. This feathered creature was aptly nicknamed the terror bird.

They actually probably hunted alone but may have worked together as a pair to confront larger prey. It's really lucky Danny was on hand.

The birds would have run rampant and ordinary villagers would be helpless having never seen giant carnivorous birds before. Many live rounds would be needed to bring down one Titanis.

Molly shpuld be more grateful. Danny saved her life. A massive bird like Titanis was big enough to kill and finish a horse. Two of those birds would get inside the house fairly easily by smashing a door down with their powerful beaks.
Guest chapter 5 . 11/2/2014
It's sad Danny forgot to mention Emily or Jess in his letter. I think they deserved a mention.
Guest chapter 5 . 11/2/2014
That runaway carriage scene was tense and fast paced. The noise and bustle of a train station would terrify a highly strung animal like a horse. Plus it was tragic coincidence she took the wagon instead of borrowing her father's motor car.

Another twist of fate was the train station was built alongside a river. I thought the force of momentum would drive both the horse and wagon into the river. I was glad they both survived.

She was lucky the villagers brought the runaway wagon under control. The charging horse could have run down innocent bystanders. The harness could have split and the wagon could have crashed anf
Its also tragic coincidence she never learned swimming. You clearly showed how even a trained animal like a horse can be just as dangerous as any prehistoric dinosaur
Chloe.661 chapter 5 . 4/19/2014
Amazing chapter
Hilary Parker chapter 5 . 4/16/2014
Such a great story for Danny. I loved every moment and am now left grinning and imagining Connor and Abby getting married at The Bestwicke!
TheAnonyMouseInViolence chapter 5 . 4/13/2014
From sober to excitement! The scene with the runaway carriage definitely gets the heart going and it then amps up with Danny's daring rescue of Molly from the river - I could see the action perfectly in my head, as well as that moment of relief when all is well again.

I think you've given Danny the perfect ending. He gets the girl and with it, a life, a home and finally peace from his trials, tribulations and once seemingly endless journeys.

It was a nice cap to have Matt and Connor receive his letter. It brought everything and everyone full circle.
TheAnonyMouseInViolence chapter 4 . 4/13/2014
Finally a moment's peace to read this!

This was a very sobering chapter. It's been intriguing, exciting and all very sweeping until now. The truth will do that, won't it? I do feel for Molly - her world's been in turmoil since her mother's passing and it's been building upon itself ever since. Danny took her to the height of it and it's all come crashing down around her.

Danny is always very adaptable, but his sadness of the turn of events is palpable. He must think he'll be alone and wandering forever.

Fortunately you'd gone and sent us on a 180 with Molly's change of heart!
SandyLee Potts chapter 5 . 4/12/2014
What a fab ending to a fabulous story!

Thank you for writing and sharing with us, hopefully we will still be hearing from you?
GeorgiaSkye chapter 5 . 4/12/2014
Lovely ending. Glad Connor managed to get the letter, even though it was not the one Danny originally planned to send.
aunteeneenah chapter 5 . 4/12/2014
Yay! A happy ending for everyone. That was exciting and warm and lovely. Connor and Abby should go to the hall for their honeymoon and meeting David Quinn and see if he's anything like his great-grandfather. This was great and so nice to see you writing in the Primeval sandbox again. *hugs*

Now, back to my Saturday chores which were interrupted when I got a notification that someone had posted a new chapter. *g*
GeorgiaSkye chapter 4 . 4/10/2014
Very well written. The cross between Danny's travels and a period drama works well. I can picture the scenes. Looking forward to reading more.
PeaJay chapter 4 . 4/9/2014
Push him away, then run after him. Oh, Molly. Get it together girl or you're going to miss out. Looking forward to Chapt 5!
PeaJay chapter 3 . 4/9/2014
Why did I know that wouldn't be Connor? Poor Danny never seems to catch a break. Although, he did get some nice facetime smoochies with Molly. Well, okay one smoochie. :)
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