Reviews for Body and Soul
Teresa Martin chapter 58 . 9/3/2016
Love, love this! A great analysis. I don't know if the writers thought this through, but you did. Well done
deweymay chapter 59 . 9/3/2016
"But she didn't think properly" I loved this chapter. From Rumple questioning Belle's new found faith in Zelena to Belle's questionable planning to the almost-epiphany she has right at the point (sorry, puns are bad!) of no return, it just beautifully clarified what was a hugely messy storyline :)

Thanks, loved it!
deweymay chapter 57 . 9/3/2016
I like the darker tone of this chapter, I think it works much better than the confused one the actual show set :)

Matty chapter 56 . 3/13/2016
This is by far my favourite story. You captured their point of views so well and your writing is superb! I've enjoyed reading every chapter! Please continue updating!
deweymay chapter 56 . 2/28/2016
I absolutely, with all of my f*cking heart, *loved* your interpretation of Rumple's motives for taking back the darkness! I also really, really enjoyed his assessment of all of Storybrookes potential Dark Ones. He wasn't wrong :)

Thank you so much!
deweymay chapter 55 . 2/23/2016
They found each other! *&%, this makes me want to rewatch that reunion scene, which I already really liked, because now I'm wondering how much of this I'll see in it now :)

I loved that you found a way to include Henry's warning/message to Belle.

deweymay chapter 54 . 2/23/2016
I have a lump in my throat. I think it might be my heart :/

"She pitied him." Probably the cruellest epiphany he'd ever had, and it was in the comfort of his own kitchen!

So much angst, but it was so beautifully written! And wonderfully in character, too :)

jewel415 chapter 56 . 2/16/2016
Wow! You really managed to get inside the characters heads and give life to their thoughts. This whole thing really fleshed out the characters and made them so much more real. OUAT always leaves us wondering about thoughts, motives, feelings. We are left to wonder and imagine. So ...Thank you.
Teresa Martin chapter 56 . 2/15/2016
I love your take on this. That Belle can only love him when he's the beast.
jamie.wan.kenobi chapter 56 . 2/15/2016
he needs to be honest
Rinoaebastel chapter 53 . 8/27/2015
wow, just wow. This fic is completely on their minds, and it even help me understand more that part since their separation on season 4 because, I really didn't had much sense for me.
Thank you for doing this. It was fantastic.
jewel415 chapter 53 . 8/21/2015
And we all live in hope that Season 5 will somehow be more satisfying! Thank you so much for this wonderful read-for fleshing out all the characters and how they were thinking about each situation. This was truly beautiful. : )
jewel415 chapter 45 . 8/21/2015
How true love goes wrong...
jewel415 chapter 44 . 8/21/2015
Sadness, so much heart aches.
jewel415 chapter 43 . 8/21/2015
WoW! That first paragraph was so insightful-it's true, very true. Belle's POV was very interesting and fleshed out too. I hope everyone who enjoys watching OUAT will be able to read this fanfiction-it sooooo amplifies what we watched and makes the characters so much more real seeming.
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