Reviews for Taiki's Tale, A Kung Fu Panda Fanfic
Mite3 chapter 11 . 4/15
honestly the story is fairly good, sad to see that you left a cliff hanger just as Taiki was about to face his first major challenge. if you decide to continue, just keep doing what your doing, anyways, peace bro.
Layla347 chapter 11 . 1/4
Nicely done
Ash chapter 11 . 7/1/2017
Love it! Onwards!
fangilr chapter 11 . 11/10/2016
Reader chapter 11 . 11/8/2016
Love the story please continue!
Anonymous chapter 11 . 11/8/2016
Yea boi, your alive after all. I was beginning to worry you wasn't gonna do anymore chapters
Guest chapter 10 . 9/15/2016
Good story line.
lolithon chapter 10 . 8/13/2016
its ok but it would be better with a blow job sex or tit job or something ending up with the main characters semen or cum or whatever you call it ending up in or on tigress. dont blame me if im a pervert its just me
EagleTsubasa chapter 8 . 4/5/2016
I forgot to mention this: Po was a flawed character with room to develop. We got to follow him throughout his story as watch as he grew. With a 'perfect' character like Taiki, that isn't there, and the character doesn't seem as realistic, nor can we watch them develop. Everyone is flawed, so characters should be, too. Otherwise, you're marching right into Mary Sue/Marty Stu territory.
EagleTsubasa chapter 9 . 4/5/2016
I know you keep saying 'don't like, don't read' throughout the story, but this story has quite a few problems. Please note that this is constructive criticism, not a flame.

1) You've quite obviously showing quite a lot of favouritism towards Taiki, seeing as it's supposedly you. Unfortunately, making yourself a self-insert and showing all of this favouritism is literally the worst thing that you could have done, although I understand the personal appeal in doing something like this. This favouritism means that your character is winning fights left, right and centre and destroying any ounce of tension and mystery that the story may have, and it's meaning that he gets the girl in the first chapter. It's too rushed. Not realistic. No tension. No pacing. Not good.

2) There are a few issues with being realistic. For example, where did he get a lily encased in crystal—something that's impossible? Also, why not choose an animal from the native country of one of his parents? The countries of his parents do not equal up to an Indian/Bangladeshi tiger. Artistic licence doesn't mean that you can pick things just because they look cool. It impacts on the validity and the believability of the story.

3) Aside from your fight scenes, there is a real lack of detail, and your chapter length is suffering as a result. Ideally, the setting should be described every time a new setting is shown (e.g. weather, buildings, people, sounds, landmarks, colours, the appearance and clothing of characters, etc.). You should be utilising the 5 senses in order to allow the audience to imagine the setting. As an author, you need to be painting a picture with words as being able to visualise the story and characters is key to immersing yourself in the story. Remember: you can see everything in your mind. We can't. Therefore, you need to tell us everything so that we can see it, too.

4) Tone and emotion needs to be observed a little more. This is as simple as adding in how the character spoke and expressed themselves after they speak. For example, saying 'he said' isn't enough. Try using words like happily, sadly, angrily and nervously.

4) There are some issues with punctuation. This mostly surrounds the speech. Granted, you've begun to use speech/quotation marks, but you need to utilise commas and continue the sentence. Commas must replace full stops/periods at the end of dialogue should the sentence continue on. For example, '"Sorry," he muttered.' If you're saying how they said it, unless a character's name is right after the dialogue, don't use capital letters. If you want to portray thoughts, no punctuation is needed around the internal monologue. It just needs to be italicised.

Hopefully, this will help you in the future. If you're confused, or have any additional questions, or want any help with correcting any of your stories, I'm a beta, so please don't hesitate to ask. I'm here to help if you need it. Good luck. :)
Anime dude chapter 9 . 2/27/2016
Sick story. Taiki is so much more badass than Po. Anyway are you sticking to the same plot as the movies or writing your own. Anyway keep it up!
Tigergirl713 chapter 9 . 2/24/2016
I'm so happy you updated! I really like this story :)
Tigergirl713 chapter 8 . 5/6/2015
Sorry I'm not logged in but I love this story
godswill.chibuikem.5 chapter 4 . 2/14/2015
hey! hold it!
am gonna have some sugar trouble if you keep giving me those ice-cream!

so far so good
taiki looks energetic,why don't ya have him fight the five at once!
dreamdemon 97 chapter 8 . 12/12/2014
More chapters please
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