Reviews for Baby
Guest chapter 1 . 5/9/2015
I cried from this. She is all of this and your words express as much with fluidity and pull. You are a skilled poet.
SilverLeaf chapter 1 . 8/10/2014
My God this was amazing! I have tears welling up in my eyes now from how beautiful this ode to Baby was. Thank you for this stunning piece. It does her justice. :)
TheBlackForest chapter 1 . 4/13/2014
This is much good! And the Impala is legitimately a character? I REQUIRE MORE FANFICS TO MAKE ME CRY!
Guest chapter 1 . 3/26/2014
LilyBolt chapter 1 . 3/26/2014
Immediately, this goes on my favorites list. :D I hold Baby in a special place in my heart, regarding her with a fondness I have not felt for an inanimate object on a TV show before. But that's because, to me, she is not inanimate, and she is no "object". She is exactly as you described her here, and I am sure she feels this way about her life, duties, and above all else, the men she considers family. She isn't a car. She is a full character on the show, and she is adored. Thank you so much for capturing the beauty of Baby's essence with this, and for giving her such a fitting personality. I truly enjoyed this piece.

P.S. Favorite lines are these:

"the empty spaces between two brothers
Who have shared their lives together"

That makes me think of how distant the brother can be from each other, and yet how, beneath all of their tension, they are still bonded eternally in the closest knit way of true brotherhood.


"By sure hands that sweep away her would-be stains
And pat her hood with an affection reserved for family"

I could completely imagine Dean as I read that, complete with that look in his eyes as he pats her hood, so fondly. I smiled there. :)

Oh, and of course the last lines...

"But above all else,
She is home."

*sigh* So perfect! I am being entirely sincere when I say I loved this. It gave me the best case of the warm-happy that I could ask for. ;)
karonkgb chapter 1 . 3/26/2014
The Impala, she is a Lady.
mb64 chapter 1 . 3/26/2014
Absolutely beautiful!
