Reviews for Echoes in Time
blewartrk chapter 25 . 7/3
That was so beautiful. thank you for this.
blewartrk chapter 15 . 7/3
Edwards pictures... Creepy
blewartrk chapter 13 . 7/3
Omg Emmett was wild
blewartrk chapter 8 . 7/3
That was so cute
blewartrk chapter 5 . 7/3
Ummff Esme calls Carlisle, Father. Lol
blewartrk chapter 4 . 7/3
Ive been reading your stories and i forgot to review and now i started a new one and i'm already on chapter 4 and still no review haha sorry about that. Anyway their binge eating was a bit weird lol and i like this Bella
Isao84 chapter 25 . 5/11
Wow! This really was a beautiful story! I loved the twist in Jane’s life. And how she brought them back and then relieve them again.
Guest chapter 25 . 9/1/2019
Love this! I don’t know how many times I’ve read this story, well any of your stories actually, I just love all of them and the way you write!
reberebecca chapter 25 . 6/2/2019
Una storia incredibile!
Mi ha fatto tornare la voglia di leggere ancora in questo contest.
Originale e per niente scontata. Scritto con cura e coinvolgente.
la-geologia chapter 25 . 1/15/2019
I loved this so much! What an amazing ride! Thank you for sharing it with us. You continue to blowing me away with your creativity. This was absolutely fantastic, and I was so thrilled everyone was able to get their happy ending. xo

P.S. Is there any chance we might see you at the TwiFic Meet Up in St. Louis this summer?
Sweetie7smiled chapter 11 . 12/26/2018
I wonder if Bella is living her own kind of forever... and neither of them know this about the other because when the curse was cast, Edward's proper mate was the only one not in the building to be identified? Interesting story!
Guest chapter 25 . 11/8/2018
I think I loved this story the most
Alessa315 chapter 25 . 10/25/2018
What an amazing story! Absolutely wonderful! I thought it was going to end with them in 1814 but I'm so glad you brought them to 2014!
Loved it!
Thanks for sharing ;)
Alessa315 chapter 16 . 10/24/2018
Jane is her ancestor? Whaaaaaat? This is seriously twisted! I absolutely hope this had a HEA.
Oh, Dios, es de lo más loco que he encontrado en Fanfiction haha.
JA Mash chapter 25 . 9/13/2018
I loved this one so much. Thanks for sharing!
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