Reviews for Innumerable
NeoMiniTails chapter 1 . 4/10/2014
Hi! Hi!

Sorry its taken me so long to read/review this. I was just about to start doing something and remembered this.

This was extremely well-written. Although a friendship fic, I can definitely see that you pair them in subtle ways of your writing which actually makes it quite romantic and reminds me of how Haruka and Michiru, in their more subtle moments, were written in the 90’s anime so that’s quite wonderful especially since they made be my favorite anime couple of all time. lol.

I am not into slash or femslash, but if its well-written, how can I deny such a thing, eh?

You started off with a well-written, engaging first paragraph about Hiei and his intentions when he comes to the human world, his best friend - and how he feels about him.

There were some really nice lines, here are a few of them:

“he made sure to visit Kurama” - This sounds very “Hiei” to make sure to visit his best friend even if he would never admit that aloud.

“The other demon was as sly as the animal he had once been, and he would know if he did not visit.” - I really like the idea presented, seeing as Hiei (as he has always been characterized) sees Kurama very highly, knows that his intelligence and slyness is something to be feared.
Slight nitpicks on the same line - it doesn’t quite flow very for me... maybe changing the wording, get rid of some of the helping verbs because its a bit wordy for me.

“Kurama would get this look on his face” - Lol... I can imagine it. hehe... I also enjoy what comes after because true to Hiei’s characterization, he’s better with people expressing their emotions/intentions than just knowing it and allowing it to bother his conscience. lol.

The first sentence in the second paragraph is one long run-on.

“Like a picture, frozen in time, Kurama sat at his desk, some book or another open before his eyes.” - The description reminds me of old “Romanticized” writing when it first became a thing... I have a thing for “Gothic” and “Romance” writing (as in the genre) It’s also a strong “showing” statement that allows the reader to see into how Hiei sees Kurama...

For him, seeing him as he is feels nostalgic and thus why it feels “like a picture, frozen in time...” and you successfully don’t need to say many words to get those feels across.

“a smile somewhere between welcoming and scheming.” - Hiei knows him so well... and this description is beautiful. lol... and it fits Kurama so well. For some reason, it reminds me of the final Kurama and Hiei scene together when the red-headed bishounen pretends like he doesn’t know that he’s giving him something for his sister... one of my favorite scenes in the anime.

Lol... the paragraph about Hiei fuming a bit about Kurama being a “know it all who is actually always right” made me smile because its so true. It also fits him to get a bit annoyed, and who wouldn’t, seriously?

As the story progressed, I continued to enjoy it and the emotions heightened and never once faltered. I’ve seen many recent stories that I’ve read where the beginning was up here but the ending was lackluster... you didn’t fall into that category.

In fact, my attention was caught for so long that I was just immersed in the reading, not going back and forth. The dialogue here is well in character and shows much about them, Kurama's ability to always stay on top (dominant even when he doesn't appear) by being able to swiftly put the conversation where he wants it, Hiei's not understanding but also unfaltering trust in Kurama's decisions on why he'd stay in this world, and also their friendship.

I also liked that Kurama didn't explain how Hiei was involved in his staying in the Ningenkai.

In fact, when you had Kurama go outside to tell Hiei to count the stars when the short one asked about his reasons for staying in the human world, I may have seen the reason coming/why he was counting, but your writing kept my interest piqued and you were able to allow me stay excited throughout it all.

The name title is perfect!

Awesome job,
Until Next Time,

but even then (comma) he made sure to visit him.