Reviews for This Girl Doesn't Wait
Lady Lithe chapter 1 . 2/18
Ugh, thank you for capturing my favorite character so perfectly. I'm struggling to stitch together words to express what I hope to. There are parts of Ginny here that I feel have been illuminated to me, even though I always knew it was there looming in the back of my mind - you simply brought it forth with such force and grace and eloquence. I wish there were more, but I'm grateful for what you've given us.
A fan chapter 1 . 4/19/2018
Very cute
ntlpurpolia chapter 1 . 3/19/2017
Loved how you showed the dark and not just fluffy sides of their relationship and how you wrote Ginny's character. There aren't enough Ginny-centric fanfics out there that don't just describe her as one of the Weasleys or Harry's girlfriend, so I'm really glad to have read this!
TheWateringWizard chapter 1 . 2/20/2017
Haha good job Ginny! Indeed Harry is an idiot and if you wait you'll be a grandma before he gets his thoughts in order
DEDEBUG9 chapter 1 . 8/24/2014
You don't even know how great this is
AltaRose chapter 1 . 8/11/2014
FINALLY. Love this new take on Ginny and her inability to wait. I much like it. Very refreshing. Even if her and Amy Pond have a lot in common, I don't ever think of Ginny as the girl who waited. She is the girl who fought even if she wasn't supposed to.

Also, new favorite line ever : Bludgers are a girl's best friend. Seriously. I'm thinking of gettting it as a tattoo.
ajdiafohau chapter 1 . 8/5/2014
This is really a very good story
moony5eva chapter 1 . 7/5/2014
awesome. just plain, mind-shattering awesome.
ijustfangirl11111 chapter 1 . 5/29/2014
haha i love this. it was fantastically written and was very interesting.
Anon chapter 1 . 4/28/2014
I think this is in character with book Ginny. :)
FlubberyFlobberworms chapter 1 . 4/22/2014
PERFECT PERFECT PERFECT. I absolutely adore this! The movies completely butchered Ginny's character, which is such a shame because I love her. I think your portrayed her emotions and actions/rationalisations accurately and Harry at the end was wonderful, too hahaha
Especially liked how you wrote about her other two relationships and they both have very different feels.
but yay I love this piece so much thank you for it!
GoldenSnidget13 chapter 1 . 4/5/2014
This is so cute. And OMR I know EXACTLY what you mean about that stupid term, The Girl Who Waited - um she wasn't waiting around for Harry her sixth year? Hell no, she was defying Snape's regime, fighting the Carrows...
Anyway, I'm ranting. But your story was amazing, and I really liked it. Very in character and very sweet. Keep writing :)
diva.gonzo chapter 1 . 4/2/2014
*enthusiastic applause*

I enjoyed this immensely. You have the maturity showing through each section, from fangirl to action hero, from being starry eyed and seeing Harry as an icon to the mature understanding that he's messed up and that waiting will be a lifetime and maybe, just maybe, she'll have to act for her own best interests.

Yeah, if she waited on him, she might be an old maid before he popped out of his shell and realized what was going on. Doesn't mean that he's all there, yet.

As always, I look forward to more, at your leisure and opportunity.
Athenais777 chapter 1 . 3/26/2014
A pity Ginny doesn't get more ink in the book. There is a promise for a strong and intelligent girl there too but we only see a glimpse. Great job on your part of fleshing her out more. She is definitely the right kind of girl for Harry, one who is not afraid to accept him as Harry, with all his flaws.
currents chapter 1 . 3/23/2014

what a fantastically accurate character analysis of ginny. what a beautiful development of her character and her relationship with harry. what amazing writing. what what what. i am in love with this fic. i really truly am.

keep writing,
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