Reviews for Fireworks
annicel85 chapter 3 . 7/8/2019
The best, most accurate portrayal of LoVe’s first time together I’ve ever read. Kudos, ma’am.
LoVe Obsessed2 chapter 3 . 2/22/2019
Pentastic chapter 3 . 2/11/2017
very sexy story. and, i can totally see veronica being too proud to admit she does not know that much about sex.
Godschildtweety chapter 3 . 10/16/2016
Really good
Crystal Cayden chapter 3 . 1/18/2016
Wow. This was awesome. I absolutely love the dynamic between Veronica and Logan in this story. Brilliant "first time" story.

emmaleewhittaker chapter 3 . 12/18/2015
dietgreentea chapter 3 . 7/15/2015
damn. that was hot.
Suzanne chapter 3 . 4/5/2015
I loved the development you show. Veronica's insecurity is very believable given her previous expriences with sex. Logan's presentation is hilarious...
Galaxy451 chapter 3 . 3/15/2015
That was a most beautifully written take on Logan and Veronica's first time. I couldn't have imagined it any better. Despite being sexually explicit, this only ever came across as love making. Both were totally in character and I just knew Veronica was going to be a quick learner! Logan's 'presentation' was inspired - you totally got across the visual of the hand gestures. Loved it.
C.Elder chapter 3 . 2/17/2015
Very good indeed.
bminor chapter 3 . 1/31/2015
I loved this so much! I'm really glad you acknowledged the potential issues that would exist considering Veronica's limited experience with Duncan, and especially the control and trust challenges that would get in the way of her telling him the truth and admitting she needed guidance.

Your Logan voice is PERFECT. SO GOOD. Argh, I loved reading this. There was also a perfect balance of humour, sweetness and fuckinghellthatsreallyhot - I laughed out loud more than once.

I really liked her inner monologue, too, it felt entirely authentic.

Fantastic fic!
Tee chapter 3 . 12/7/2014
Loved this story and the detail!
Guest chapter 3 . 10/5/2014
Loved it! So much. Great job. Haha she fumbled in the beginning but I think Logan was a great instructor. Great ending.
nightlocktime chapter 3 . 7/31/2014
Really good!

I was feeling just as frustrated and nervous as Veronica. And her determination of not letting Logan see her vulnerable felt very real.

Love the "any man lucky enough to see her naked body would get what she damn-well gave and be mother fucking thankful"... they really should.

I love how Logan made it all about her, it can't be a better teacher for that and the other reasons we know haha

"World Rocking 101." LMAO

I can see him clearly explaining everything moving around with all his dramatism like a tour guide. Great characterization.

The rules to treat mister Logan HAHAHA.


"Is it possible that sex is always this amazing with someone you love?" YOU KILLED ME!

Great work! :)
Scandalpants chapter 3 . 7/13/2014
Aw, and he's not expecting reciprocation...oh! especially that. Well done, Veronica!

Yes! The seemingly submissive position is actually one of power. Knew you were a smart one Veronica.

...he manages to do it like master chefs crack eggs: with one hand. Great imagery.

She loves him, good girl for realizing that.

Great, great story. Love that when she finally figures it out things go so, um, fracking well. (FF won't let me use grown up words in a review). I appreciate that you write their conversations so true to form.
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