Reviews for Steam and Shadows
Pottergirl3333 chapter 30 . 5/29/2015
This story is amazing! Please update soon!
IGdude117 chapter 30 . 3/31/2015
Nice tale. I found myself imagining this in the style of the Wan episodes in Legend of Korra. You wrote the myth very well, and it seems very well like it is a real legend from the Avatar universe, so props to you.

Looking forward to the next chapter!
megpie86 chapter 18 . 3/20/2015
I am new the the Zutara ship having stumbling across fanart on pintrest, so i decided to look for some reading. This was the first site that came up and i started looking for one that caught my eye. Your story was the firs i have ever read in any type of fan based of anything so i apologize if my terms are incorrect. Once i started reading your chapters i couldn't stop. I was immediately and completely lost in your story. You did an amazing job unfolding their relationship and i was not expecting the whole Lakkin thing so that was a great twist as well. IVe read a handful of stories in the last couple of days, and yours is by far my favorite. I do hope that you continue with their story!
Guest chapter 30 . 3/19/2015
What happened with Zuko ans Katara.
Guest chapter 30 . 3/17/2015
Whoa crazy story about the necklace. Creepy. But this fic overall is awesome, and I can't wait for more updates! I hear ya with the college load. I just got back from spring break, and it seems like my profs are making up for lost time. I hope you are able to update soon though. You're a great writer and of course I love zutara :)
Guest chapter 29 . 3/16/2015
Omg love it! Please update!
ladyjane025 chapter 29 . 3/16/2015
Interesting, figured you were wrapping up the story, but you seem to be going in a new direction.
IGdude117 chapter 29 . 3/16/2015
Interesting chapter. I'm glad that the story doesn't end with Lakkin; you were able to build up the tension quite well here, so kudos to you. I'm interested to see what the story behind the necklace is.
storyoftheunknownfangirl chapter 29 . 3/16/2015
Huh, interesting.
Jo chapter 28 . 3/10/2015
I have almost literally read this in one sitting. If I could physically hold it I would say I couldn't put it down. Of all the things to keep me up late, this is a rather nice one. Please update soon.
ladyjane025 chapter 28 . 3/10/2015
So sweet, love it when zutara does that kind of "talking ".
storyoftheunknownfangirl chapter 28 . 3/10/2015
So cute.
fashiondynomite31 chapter 28 . 3/10/2015
angelfire1 chapter 27 . 2/16/2015
I have really enjoyed your fic! I love how you turned such a strong character to deal with a common occurrence like abuse. I love Zutara this is a great story.
Guest chapter 27 . 2/4/2015
Sorry my last review posted without my consent :)
Anyway I was just saying that people get tired of fics that take forever to update I know I do. This story and plot is exceptionall though and I can't wait to read more. Also a little bit more zutara.
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