Reviews for An Umbra History
elish chapter 6 . 3/10/2019
Ey this some good shit right here i live for this series and i've only been with it for 30 min but goddamn i'd binge it for days if there were more.
Speaking-the-truth16 chapter 1 . 9/1/2018
If you can see what's happening in the world today, since it's all over and the problems are only getting worse, just know that these are the end times; the days Jesus warned about. He gave us signs to look for which can be found in Matthew 24 in the bible and told us to watch. To not let these times come upon you unaware.

Understand that the rapture is at hand and can happen any moment. The day of the Lord is coming like a thief in the night and you do not want to be left behind.

When I reach out to people I encourage them to come out of this world and to seek the father in heaven while he may be found since 1 John 2:17 tells us in the Word of God aka the bible:

"The world and its desires pass away, but whoever does the will of God lives forever."

A lot of popular anime, games, movies, books, music and etc is of the devil. You don't want to be indulging in something that has no place in the kingdom of God since that will put your soul at risk. 1 John 2:15-17 and James 4:4 is important to remember since we can't be holding hands with the world and Jesus. These holidays & traditions a lot of us were brought up on has nothing to do with our father in heaven, is of the world and is only a distraction; please don't get caught up with it.

Realize that fiction by definition is "invention or fabrication as opposed to fact" along with other definitions out there and you want to be careful. I use to be a fanfic writer myself but I gave up a lot of things because a lot of it was related or connected to the world.

There is nothing wrong with writing but when you're writing about worldly things or fabricating stuff, you're putting yourself in danger since we're to walk in truth. Liars won't inherit the kingdom of God so you want to make sure you're speaking truth at all times.

Jesus told us at John 14:23-24 that if you love him then you'd obey his teaching. He also says at John 14:15 that if you love him then to keep his commandments.

I'd get away from fan fiction altogether, since it's only a distraction, and build a strong relationship with Jesus Christ since it's very important but that's a decision you will have to make for yourself.

Just know that all the issues going on in the world has already been foretold in the bible.

If you are awake and aware to everything going on, then please: seek the father in heaven while he may be found, repent of your sins, let go of this world and follow Jesus as mentioned at Matthew 10:37-38; majority of the things we need to know is in the Word of God so please read the bible for yourself. You don't want to be deceived since a lot of churches out there aren't doing what they should be doing.

Be aware that there isn't much time left but don't adopt the spirit of fear since greater is he that is in you than he who is in the world. You need faith since without it, it's impossible to please the father in heaven so never let the devil steal that or your peace. Just draw close to the father in heaven and he will draw close to you.

We've all fallen short so nobody is better than anybody and the heavenly father is very merciful. Just humble yourself, go to the father in prayer, confess your sins to him and repent. Mean what you say & repent (turn away or stop doing it) and he will forgive you.

Jehovah is the god of Abraham, Issac and Jacob but nobody comes to the father but through the son Jesus Christ so you want to accept and follow him since it's by his blood we're redeemed back to the father in heaven.

A great deception is coming along with the antichrist and you do not want to take the mark of the beast. It's a chip that goes in your right hand or forehead. You can read about this in Revelation. Do not take this Mark, worship the beast or his image because if you do then you will end up in hell. Stay strong in Jesus. Only he can save us and he is a lot closer than people realize so be ready at all times and keep the faith.
G chapter 6 . 5/28/2016
I don't know why, but I would TOTALLY ship Rodin and Hekate together...
Amazing! Why'd ya give up on this fanfic?!
Oh well... But I do wish you continued
You let us down!
*sad face*
aracya chapter 6 . 4/10/2016
Ok, so I just noticed that the fanfic is dead...Shit, another good fanfic that we lost.
aracya chapter 6 . 4/8/2016
First: my English is not that good, I'm still learning the language so sorry if I make any mistake.
Anyway, let's go to the review:

I was on tumblr, wasting my time looking for Balder x Rosa, when I found someone recommending your fanfic. I decided to give a try, wondering if the first Bayonetta fanfic that I would read was going to be good.

Oh, and how it was...

I read the first chapter and I was already loving it! I continued and read the others 5 chapters and oh my Jubileus, everything was/is perfect, the writing, how the characters acted (to me, nobody was OOC!)... Serious, the way that you deepened in the universe of Bayonetta is so well done! I'm waiting for more chapters, especially the ones about Cereza and Jeanne (I want to see how their training will go on!), so please continue writing (or I'm going to make a deal with Rodin just to come after you XD).
Vanessa Masters chapter 5 . 11/10/2015
Oh, love this. The blossoming of Bayonetta and jeanne's friendship, beautiful :D

Really, excellent writing skill :)
Mazamei Echo chapter 6 . 6/23/2015
OMG I loved this XD -claps- This was awesome! More more more :D
Mazamei Echo chapter 5 . 5/6/2015
Omg omg omg more more more! dkglwengwe
Mazamei Echo chapter 1 . 5/1/2015
Omg I love it :D I do I do.
Guest chapter 4 . 3/25/2015
Nice story, please continue it. I really like reading this :)
Samii Evans chapter 4 . 12/15/2014
Ok this is absolutely amazing. I have always loved reading bayonetta fanfics and this has completely blown away by how realistic it is. Thanks so much for this! _
Guest chapter 4 . 12/9/2014
Wow. Interesting! I love the details that you put in :) although you did mention that you are going to stray away from canon I was wondering if you will cover the witch hunts? And now that bayonetta 2 is out, will you incorporate that here?
Fizz the Franken-Weasel chapter 4 . 11/25/2014
calm cool and collected even as child, see this is why Bayonetta got the left eye
erederiu chapter 1 . 11/17/2014
please tell me you plan on including Loptr somewhere in this story. i just lov that magnificent bastard
cybercorpsesnake chapter 3 . 11/15/2014
Much better on the paragraphs.
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