Reviews for Kim Possible: Darker Destiny
Ravena Wolfborn chapter 6 . 5/30/2016
ManicAntics chapter 6 . 6/17/2014
Oh great. *facepalms* Somebody get Ann Possible from the original Kim's universe! She's the only one who could POSSIBLY stop them with her Mother's Glare of Doom and Grounding!




Also, no pun intended.
Rain Addict CM chapter 6 . 5/13/2014
I blame Betty. She passed her curse on to Kim.
jim89 chapter 6 . 4/14/2014
that's impressive, Kim's siblings now. The first new super villains. One of the biggest holdouts for the old Empire
on the other hand, Kim's whole family is now be after them. and anyone else that survived the neighborhood

I wonder how the wasteland survivors of going to deal with Kim and company being still alive.

I really hope you return to the universe with continuing tales
this seems to be quite interesting world

We shall see
Angel of Light 2014 chapter 6 . 3/24/2014
Glad Ann and James had their reunion and are safe. It was a great ending with Jim and Tim becoming Gemeni, but I wonder just what they are going to do. Either way this was a great ending for this story.
Angel of Light 2014 chapter 5 . 3/24/2014
Another awesome update, I'm glad Tara is ok but I wonder what is going to happen with Yori and Ron.
acosta perez jose ramiro chapter 6 . 3/24/2014
Whoa. A little reminder of how dangerous Jim and Tim can be if not properly educated and controlled.

Keep the good writing.
acosta perez jose ramiro chapter 5 . 3/24/2014
Great job on this chapter.

Keep the good writing.
Invader Johnny chapter 6 . 3/24/2014
Jim and Tim as villains eh? I dunno if I should worry for Kim or the world.

Invader Johnny Signing Off.
Guest chapter 6 . 3/24/2014
LOL! Oh dear... The real Gemini will not be pleased to learn that his name was stolen by the Tweebs. There'll be hell to pay, lol!
jim89 chapter 5 . 3/23/2014
Well, that was unexpected, the Empire is no more. And a little resistance is without an enemy.
The little bit like soldiers in the trenches at the end of World War II summary hearing that over they go home
when they thought go on forever with no land in sight.

Glad to hear things are looking up for both Bonnie and Monique, Tara is damn lucky made it. Anyone else in
wasteland, she would've been toast. Still, the wonder what happens with her family.

Best thing of this new world, all the clubs the now empty and the Empire's women slaves are now free.
Say that five times fast.

Wonder what Ron's relationship is with Yuri and Tara?
I think eventually Ron will have to give a straight answer, I wonder what the issue is!

Now the wonder what happened to some of the other supporting cast and characters?

Which now brings the big question. What will happen next?

We shall see
Invader Johnny chapter 5 . 3/23/2014
This certanly are looking up and down depending on the people.

Invader Johnny Signing Off.
Angel of Light 2014 chapter 4 . 3/22/2014
Another awesome chapter, nice to see Brick is actually kind of cool.
Angel of Light 2014 chapter 3 . 3/22/2014
Another awesome chapter, I can't wait to see more of Ron and the others as well as what is going on with Kim, Bonnie and everyone else. You created an awesome world and great stories based in it.
Geno020 chapter 4 . 3/22/2014
Wow... Dark but with uplifting moments. An interesting emotional mix craftily written and tied-off with a well placed lead-in to the next chapter. I love your style.

As always I impatiently await your next installment.
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