Reviews for Merlin A Trip To The Future
Kathryn chapter 7 . 2/18
hi, I love your story. please update
Berrybanana05 chapter 7 . 8/1/2018
Love it! I hope you continue it :)
alicia.steinke24 chapter 7 . 11/23/2017
Please update
ThePolicyOfTruth chapter 1 . 10/14/2016

Your story is an MST and is disallowed as per the Fanfiction Content Guidelines.

[Entries not allowed:

MST: comments inserted in between the flow of a copied story.

Actions not allowed:

Copying from a previously published work (including musical lyrics) not in the public domain.]

Merlin's dialogue is copyrighted by its owners and cannot be used freely on FFN. To fix this, we request that you remove this story from FFN and move it to a site that allows these types of stories.

Padfootette chapter 7 . 7/7/2016
Loved it! Can't wait for more of this amazing story please update soon
Anime100 chapter 7 . 5/23/2016
Ok I understand; it's truly very interesting to read; please update soon
secret-identity-revealed chapter 7 . 2/12/2016
This story is just absolutely amazing! i love the spin on it with them watching their own show! spectacular. i hope you continue this story!
LucaLaCa chapter 1 . 2/5/2016
Ooh, very sneaky there! XD I love how you did it; didn't declare it in the title, and didn't leave that bit for an A/N.
Guest chapter 7 . 1/16/2016
I liked the story but it would be better if you add more dialogue
Guest chapter 7 . 1/7/2016
This is really amazing story and I would love to see it continue! I love how you are having the Knights watching the show and I'm only mad that I didn't think of it first!
afbc34 chapter 7 . 1/2/2016
Yes I understand that your buzzy. But I'm wondering if your actually going to contunue this story. It us been about three months. I love your book by the way. It's amazing
Guest chapter 4 . 12/23/2015
Why do it say female merlin if the story say Merlin a he?
Ryuu842 chapter 7 . 10/24/2015
You do know that you've already been on haitis for awhile? I haven't been reading Merlin fan fiction for almost 2 years.
kyleigh.carvalho chapter 6 . 9/16/2015
Please update!
polgara1 chapter 6 . 4/15/2015
Please Update. This story is awesome
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