Reviews for What a Cliché Love Story
demonesswrathia chapter 30 . 10/16/2019
This is so fucking amazing I cried
Love you author
AnimeIsLaifu15 chapter 1 . 5/28/2017
Hey, posted a review on this story as AmutoLover15. This was the second time that I've read it, and I can honestly say that it still doesn't fail to make me feel things. The hopeless romantic in me believes that the ending could've been better, though. Also, the depressed girl in me wants more teary effects, lol. But it was perfect. I wouldn't have it any other way. Thank you so much for posting this.
AmutoLover15 chapter 30 . 4/28/2017
Gosh, I want to flip shit so bad for that ending. This story is lovely! I can't wait to re-read it in a few years :3 Thanks for writing this, author. It makes me really happy. Loved the plot, the personalities, the setting, every single thing. Thanks for your time :)
ShyAnne chapter 29 . 1/12/2017
Literally just binge read this, it is currently 7 am I love you and this story
Essie May Rose chapter 30 . 12/26/2016
I am very grateful for you to have wrote this story as I got really hooked into it and for me that's a hard thing to do. I notice how you end your chapters sometimes leaves it on a cliff-hanger which makes us as the readers want more. the only flew flaws in this are the characters were completely ooc, although that's sometimes good as it gives your character a different perspective on things and also a few o your words were the wrong way around or misspelt. but either way the story was really good in itself and left mysteries around ikuto's family, and I guess that you could say it left everyone's imagination to run wild at the end as you didn't say what they did after so it makes people want second book to be made.

I am very proud of you and this story! please keep writing precious-sama
Guest chapter 29 . 8/20/2016
The characters were so OoC, but it was like you took them and made them your own, and the storyline was actually pretty good. Some spelling and grammar errors all over the place... but I guess it was alright. 00
My tears are falling chapter 30 . 1/13/2016
Wow. Amazing. Wow. Just. Wow. I have never read a fan fiction that has been longer than 12 chapters and kept me hooked all the way part from 2 other, so to read something as amazing as this, just wow. I'm deaded in amazement
TiffanySprinkles4261 chapter 30 . 10/18/2015
I love the changes they are much better and awesome story
Iris chapter 4 . 6/10/2015
Darn button. Anyways, as I was trying to say, there are way too many grammar errors in here. They're all over the place. It's run-on central. I get the feeling that it's probably an education issue, so I'd suggest finding an editor for your work, because it's difficult for me (and anyone else who understands English well enough to pick up on it and care) to read.
Also, I'm just going to say because it totally annoyed me. The thing with the bar? That just felt rediculous. Ten pounds? And everyone was admiring her? After high school gym (in the US, anyways), I know for a fact that hose bench press bars are way more then 10 pounds even without anything on the ends. They're actually closer to 35, if knowledge serves me right. Am I being a stickler? Yeah, but I doubt anyone else has said anything, so I can't bring myself to feel so bad.
Anyways, the point of this isn't to trash the story or anything. I personally am intersted to see what happens, but probably won't continue reading much more because the grammar and punctuation is painful for me to sit through. Hopefully you read this and don't take it the wrong way. People on this site tend to be overly nice, if you ask me. Your writing won't be able to improve as much as it deserves to if there isn't someone around to provede you with constructive criticism. All I can do is hope that you take it that way.
Good luck, and keep writing.
Iris chapter 4 . 6/10/2015
Okay, I'll be frank. The amount
Crow chapter 5 . 6/4/2015
I feel like it didn't fit Shugo Chara at all... Each character's personalities were barely hanging on to what they're actually like. Amu was a bit irritating for the most part. However that's my only complaint, overall the story was good.
UncaodiNN chapter 29 . 5/22/2015
This was so CUTE and so FLUFFY and SWEET and there are so many words that can describe how amazing this story was thanks for actually finishing. Like ALL the authors on fanfiction do. ( I'm being sarcastic by the way if you didn't know) :)
Raregem986 chapter 29 . 5/16/2015
Guest chapter 30 . 4/17/2015
I'm crying rn omg
I don't want to relate To my own life, the last chapter, I don't want to fall for him again. No no no anyways I love this story
OneDream123 chapter 30 . 4/13/2015
Reading over the last two chapters again, I can say that that was a much better and more satisfying ending! All the build up to that moment and all the emotion was just perfect! I felt like breaking out in tears when I was reading the edited last chapter, It was just soooooo sweet! Those amuto feels kill me every time. I'm probably just going to re-read over that last bit between Amu and Ikuto a few more times, because it's seriously just too precious and romantic! Amazing job! c:
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