Reviews for Twelve Sacrifices
Heather Snow chapter 23 . 11/25/2019
I really love how you handled Francine in this, her reactions and Martha's and the Doctor's interactions with her. She's portrayed nicer in this than often, but I think fairly. Sorry to see the other major secondary character to that way, but not suprised. Clever solution.
Moonbayb chapter 23 . 9/15/2017
All I can say is bravo...or maybe also wow. I loved this series and really hope that you revisit The Doctor, Martha, CJ and the family dynamic; especially more of Francine. I love your writing and am a huge fan of this coupling.
I would love to see Martha/12.
honeyberry2000 chapter 23 . 9/13/2016
That was amazing! I'm so glad I found your stories!
SopherGopherroxursox chapter 23 . 12/29/2014
Wow! That's excellent! Having read this whole series in a few days, I would just like to tell you that you are an amazing writer. Seriously.
From the beginning, the grammar, flow, and style was flawless. The characters were exceptionally portrayed, and realistic. And the plot lines were fantastic. Notably, having them discover who CJ was and THEN having her become pregnant. It kept you guessing, never quite sure about what would happen, a theme I've noticed in quite few of your stories. :)
You are one of the best writers I've ever had the privilege to read. You are seriously amazing. I wait expectantly for more!
Anamaric17 chapter 23 . 8/6/2014
I loved this whole story!
You captured them beautifully!
dizzy78 chapter 23 . 8/6/2014
What a wonderful story.
LunaSolTierra chapter 23 . 8/5/2014
This story has been a huge roller coaster ride. You're awesome, your stories are incredible and keep me at the edge of my seat. I'm glad the Doctor was able to tweak CJ's fate if even just a little. Glad Francine came around for good. The Doctor and Martha are truly a partnership and their relationship is beautiful, together with CJ they are has been an amazing story, thank you for allowing us to read your amazing work. Magnificent story.
nicew chapter 23 . 8/5/2014
How in the world can this leave me feeling all warm and fuzzy? It's the CJ Chronicles for heaven's sake!

What a very satisfying end to this series. Bravo for bringing enough hope to alter a life we had come to know as tragic. It makes me happy to know that lonliness and rejection for CJ isn't necessarily set, and that his father was doing all he could to strengthen the relationship with Haruka and her family. What a great dad the Doctor is!

I'm in awe that you could do this through a preganancy, infancy, and possibly toddlerhood. Martha's pregnancy brought back memories for me. And being a new mom is no joke!

This has been an incredible journey. Thank you for sharing. Really.
LunaSolTierra chapter 22 . 8/1/2014
Michaelangelo is loosing his marbles. Love the clever plan, it was perfect and very Doctor who. Haruka is a very deep sleeper, not waking up from all the running around.
nicew chapter 22 . 7/31/2014
Michaelangelo is completely showing his desperation. Channeling his inner Rassilon, perhaps? And how clever that Doctor is. Martha ain't too shabby herself, Time Lord or not.
I'm so sad to see the end of this series, but know that all things must indeed end. Thank you for this epic!
dizzy78 chapter 21 . 7/25/2014
Can't wait to see what happens
anamaric17 chapter 21 . 7/23/2014
Oh my gosh i love your Martha and doctor stories and i can't wait to see what happens next!
picric drea chapter 20 . 7/23/2014
I am guilty of committing the sin of thoroughly enjoying your work and failing to leave a review, so allow me to correct my mistake. Your writing is most incredible; I have enjoyed all of your Ten/Martha fics, and read them all more than once. Your grasp of their voices is perfect. As to this particular fic, I figured out the sacrifice portion rather early on, but I'm still very much enthralled with the development of the story. I have no inkling as to the Doctor's plan, but I look forward to finding out!
nicew chapter 21 . 7/23/2014
My kids and I stayed up way too late watching selections from seasons 3 and 4, so this was a timely treat.
I'm on the edge of my seat wondering where this is going and what the Doctor has planned. Seriously, where are the reviews? This is great stuff!
nicew chapter 20 . 7/20/2014
Such a meaty chapter! I don't think I've ever read this sort of back story on the Doctor's early life and his relationship with his wife. I haven't read many books or listened to audio dramas, but anything I have read made it seem he was almost indifferent to having a spouse. This version certainly adds to the complexity of his personality.

I really like how Martha knows she isn't simply an obedient companion, but someone who thinks for herself, yet trusts that the Doctor will work to find a way out for them.

As always, well done.
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