Reviews for Wingspan
midnightjen chapter 6 . 10/23/2018
This was kind of beautiful. At one point I think I teared up just from genuine happiness.
AnilCadz91 chapter 6 . 3/26/2017
This wa sso fantastic :D! And I really love the ending :3! It's great to see how much Logan means to Veronica despite the manye years they were separated :). And that she was looking forward to have him again with her so much :D! Awesome fic :D! It's so lovely and perfect :D!
Godschildtweety chapter 6 . 7/6/2016
Love it
dietgreentea chapter 6 . 7/15/2015
I loved this. it was so sweet and it was great to see them communicating. the snark and sarcasm. I live for that spark.
Guest chapter 6 . 6/17/2015
I really enjoyed your story, thank you for sharing :)
CuppaTea13 chapter 6 . 4/13/2015
Wow- just found this story and I love it to bits & pieces! Excellent!
c.elder chapter 6 . 11/21/2014
Your story is amazingly satisfying. I am going back to read it all over again.
Plotline suggestions- the upcoming trial of the Fortress members is an obvious one that I am sure you have thought about already.
But what about a dip back into S1 again, and an appeal for help to Logan (who is away) from
HANNAH. I always liked her and she was the only one who trusted Logan completely and unequivocally-she believed in him, even against the wishes of her mother; and even checked her father's relationship with the Fitzpatricks prompted by Logan. So, while L is away flying f-18's; a frightened/anguished etc cry for help from Hannah comes through Logan's mail at his house? V opens it/ reads it/ discovers it. And now V has to face up to reopening that old wound, and the relationship between H and L. At first she keeps it secret from Logan. She decides to investigate H's predicament. She slowly probes also H's past relationship with L, and has to face up to the fact that H was much more trusting,supportive etc of L in those times than V who was dumping L once more. But V has to overcome her jealousy and her treatment of L at that time to truly help Hannah in order to make up for Hannah's banishment. And in so doing, is giving a gift to Logan/redeeming herself and perhaps Logan too to this sweet girl who ended up loosing everything because she believed in Logan. What could Hannah's predicament be? Her kidnapped child? It could have been Logan's but they never consummated their relationship. and so on...
c.elder chapter 4 . 11/21/2014
this is not a military handbook, so inaccuracies are fine, and how many can really tell one way or another? I am just in awe of the tone (which rings so true) of the dialogue and emails back and forth! how you do that is wonderful, and I could go on reading it as long as you keep writing it...hint...hint...
c.elder chapter 3 . 11/21/2014
it's all terrifically good, and very much in keeping with the thoughts and dialogue that do exist in the series, and especially in the movie.
c.elder chapter 1 . 11/21/2014
irma66 chapter 6 . 11/10/2014
Great story and I always love when V and CW get to team up. I would enjoy seeing more in this storyline.
irma66 chapter 2 . 11/10/2014
Love the reference to Cliff's voice. Daran Norris doesn't have like 200 voice credits for nothing.
DarlingVioletta777 chapter 6 . 8/23/2014
Brilliant work at capturing their post-movie relationship. I love that he put something in place so she would be told if something happened to him, and he has other friends than Dick.

Love Keith finally beginning got accept Logan, and you captured Veronica's voice and her acceptance of their future together really well.

Am off to read more of your VM fic!
hufflelit chapter 6 . 7/27/2014
This story is so incredibly brilliant. Your characterization is spot-on, the dialogue is crisp and funny and in-character, the mystery is clever and just complex enough to make it perfect. Most of all, your depiction of Veronica and Logan figuring out their relationship now that they're grown up and have their lives together is just wonderful and makes me so happy. It's exactly the Logan and Veronica I wanted to see after the movie.

I wanted to quote a few of my favorite lines, but it ended up being more or less all of them. You manage to say so much with so little. Thank you for keeping this story going, and thanks so much for sharing it!
amandamary chapter 6 . 7/14/2014
This was a great story. Well written. I how you continue or were a sequel.
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