Reviews for Two Hearts as One
Elizabeth Hades chapter 23 . 7/3
I loved this! What a boon to read authentic Victorian dialogue and style! I don’t know how I overlooked this doc for so long! Well done!
Elizabeth Hades chapter 16 . 7/3
Oh your writing is sublime and what a clever way to sneak in a dance scene!
Elizabeth Hades chapter 11 . 7/3
I love this! What a banger of a kiss!
Kuwpp chapter 23 . 6/24
Enjoyed your story, including your "epilogue of sorts." I look forward to reading more of your work.
Kuwpp chapter 21 . 6/24
I might be a considered a grinch, but I do not feel sorry for Margaret. As much as I love North and South and P&P, I have a hard time showing sympathy for someone who has been so judgemental of others. Margaret wants John to prove his love for her by doing the things SHE feels he should do. However, John just loves her for her. Besides, her own decisions has had their own negative consequences. With all that being said, I am enjoying the book, and this will pass:)
Poppy chapter 1 . 6/8
Read all your stories which are just greasy, wish you would write more.
maembe13 chapter 23 . 5/21
well done! I enjoyed the premise and starting point of this and how the one conversation helped clear their path forward in a different manner than the book. you wove in quotes and situations from the book seamlessly and maintained characterizations well. thanks for sharing this.
SarahEC chapter 23 . 4/2
I absolutely loved this story, read it all in an afternoon, thank you so much for sharing
Kartos chapter 23 . 11/16/2019
This was so beautifully put together.
Kartos chapter 16 . 11/15/2019
Her teaching him to dance was so cute.
Guest chapter 23 . 3/31/2019
Very nice
martengsari chapter 22 . 7/3/2018
Trust each other. Believe no other lovers. wow so highly praise of true love. Lovely writing. Thank you so much.
martengsari chapter 16 . 6/16/2018
Oh my God... Lovely dance. loved the story. amazing.
Guest chapter 23 . 2/21/2018
I have only one word: beautiful. And well structured. Every part of this story makes sense in relation to the whole story. I would've liked to read more, but I think you did end it at a proper moment. I imagine a long and happy life for these two, solving all their problems together.
leilalolalee chapter 1 . 12/6/2017
I absolutely LOVE this fic, definitely one of the best I’ve ever read! I happen to really like the angst, because it makes their union in the end even happier for all the pain that preceded it. My favorite parts were Margaret’s indignant cry after John said they were nothing to each other, and then John’s subsequent plea for forgiveness. Incredible work! Thank you for writing this delightful story!
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