Reviews for Dance with the Devil
baileyaayres chapter 1 . 8/16/2014
Enjoyed the story, I did not know that Rammer was the other player kicked out of the game too. I was assuming it was OC due to fighting, when I either read or heard Buzz tell the story of the Herbies after the Norway game. Learning new stuff about the team from your Fanfics.
whatarushh chapter 5 . 5/11/2014
YAY! Love all of this so much! :D

It's so, so sweet how Rammer feels so guilty and goes to Bill for comfort and feels even guiltier about that. What a precious little boy. 3 The flashback was adorable too - I'll never get enough of Rammer's hero worship with Bill. :) And I sure do love me some Phil Verchota dry wit, haha. Legitimately laughing out loud at "there's a turd on my bed." And leave it to Bill to be all unruffled and give everyone some perspective!

Oh gosh, I'm getting all flaily about Bill asking Rammer to take care of Neal. EEEEK, poor little kicked puppy Neal! Omg his hurt and confusion is too sad to handle. :( But hey, junk food fixes everything, and I got a really good chuckle out of the bit about Neal's figure, hahaha.
Lionheart Rising chapter 5 . 5/2/2014
You know, every time you update, I just marvel at how puppyish and adorable Neal Broten is. Like, I just want to hug him and Rammer. I loved that Bill picked up on Neal being really down, emotionally, and sent Rammer to cheer him up. I for one know that cake is a good way to be less sad.
I liked the flashback to during the school year, and how you then tied that to Rammer going to see Bill again in Norway. Phil and Rammer trading barbs was pretty funny; very college boy. Also very college boy (again, in a good way) was Dave's comment to Neal about gaining weight - hilarious!
The comment about Italians being the best at shooting the bull, and Rizzo being proud of it, were really funny as well.
All in all, great job. Keep it up!
-Lionheart (Dryad)
whatarushh chapter 4 . 4/19/2014
Ooh, I don't think I knew Rammer was one of the guys that didn't have to skate! I did know about Buzz but didn't know the circumstances - I mean, I don't think Buzz was one to get thrown out of games very often, lol. But yeah, the only guys I knew for sure that didn't skate were Buzz and Jimmy. So thanks for teaching me another tidbit! :)

I obviously would've loved to have seen Jimmy on the bench with Buzz and Rammer, buuuuut this was wonderful. :) Buzz just makes me irrationally happy. Though I'm sure you already knew that, lol. I loved Rammer being all angry and confused and telling himself it wasn't real, 'cause let's be honest, that probably would've been the best way to cope with watching something like that. What a little cutie, throwing a stick to Mark! I also loved how Mark lost his temper momentarily but was then right back to being good-natured and all business. :)

Can't wait to see the aftermath of all of this!
Lionheart Rising chapter 4 . 4/14/2014
Yet another great chapter. It hurt me a little inside to see my annoying puppy Neal get checked into the boards, but I loved Rammer's response. As a player of defense myself, I can appreciate the finer things in life, such as the sheer lack of subtlety the defensive line has. The detail with the flashback to Jill was nice; I can just picture Rammer lumbering after her, and it was adorable. I've seen one of the interviews, and I just remember the slight smugness from Buzz at his not having to skate, though I'm sure at the time he would have felt exactly as your portrayed him, so props for that. All in all, excellent.
Keep it up!
-Lionheart (Dryad)
whatarushh chapter 3 . 3/30/2014
1. I love how this chapter was basically you saying their powerplay sucked, hahaha. :)
2. Phil being a total troll and using big intellectual words to have the upper hand on Herb while still giving Herb what he wanted. Perrrrrfect.
3. BE STILL MY HEART, NEAL GOT PATTED ON THE HEAD. :D :D :D Ugh, that little cutie!
4. Woohoo, the powerplay may suck BUT I'm always appreciative of Jimmy being awesome!
5. OC and Mac sharing a work of classic literature and bickering. Yesssss.
6. Those trio room assignments, omg. I'm in transports of glee imagining a Conehead slumber party, aaaand leave it to Neal to get excited about sleeping on a lumpy hotel sofa, lol.
7. Let's not even talk about how irrationally excited I get when I see you've updated this fic. It's getting to be a problem. :P
Lionheart Rising chapter 3 . 3/27/2014
Oh, so many good things happened here. Firstly, I love the relationships between all of the boys. The Coneheads, as I've mentioned, are some favorites of mine and I love that they're all just like "Yeah, we'll share," right off the bat. At risk of repeating myself, I adore Pav's lack of verbal communication; he doesn't talk all that much in the movie, and it looks like he mainly lets his linemates do the talking, so that's spot on.
Second, I love Neal Broten. He is like this adorable, slightly annoying, little puppy, and it kills me anytime he makes an appearance. In contrast, Rammer is also a puppy, but a more placid one. I kind of just want to hug him.
Thirdly, the banter between OC and everybody (but Mac especially) was fantastic. OC is one of my favorites, so anytime he's there is alright with me.
Fourthly, Verchota's large vocabulary was great, along with everyone's lack of understanding.
And finally, picturing Craig saying all the Swedish dishes was entertaining.
I will confess, I was a little confused by Herb's speeches at the beginning, but that could be because I have never played hockey in my life and thus know very little about it, so take my comment with a grain of salt.
Overall, though, it was awesome. Please, keep it up; I love all of your Miracle fics.
whatarushh chapter 2 . 3/16/2014
"Neal was practically a puppy" - pardon me as I giggle maniacally over here. :)

Oh gosh, so much adorable; Neal being Neal, Phil rapping him on the forehead and the subsequent yelp of protest, Pav watching Phil doodle, Bill telling Rammer that as long as he's around nothing bad will happen (and calling him scamp! Omg, death by cuteness)... Okay, I'll stop squealing now. I'll just flail my hands a bit and bury my face in a pillow. It's fine.

Random, but I like the mention of the 1972 plane crash involving the rugby team! Well, is "like" the right word for something that gruesome? Maybe "appreciate" would be better, lol. I was actually thinking about that crash the other day, as I it was brought up in relation to the missing Malaysian Airlines plane. So, so creepy. *shudder*

I'm pumped to read about the debacle that comes next! Hah, that sounds weird. But Herbies in the dark is bound to provide some A inspiration! :)
Lionheart Rising chapter 2 . 3/14/2014
I love Mike; anytime I watch the movie I'm reminded of a very large, very placid puppy. The way you portray Pav is one of my favorites, with his usual silence, and responses by shrugging. Nice mentions of OC, and Phil Verchota doodling on the newspaper was a nice tough. Keep it up!
whatarushh chapter 1 . 3/9/2014
Oh boy, I am the most excited about this story! It's been far too long! :) And I'm super pumped for some Rammer adorableness!

Poor Rammer, having to deal with the OC and Mac one-two punch first thing in the morning, lol. Gotta say, though, OC's rude snarkiness is hilariously amusing. Probably not smart of Rammer to go prodding Mac, because if there's anyone that can be antagonistic like a champ, it's Rob McClanahan. :P And again, poor Rammer, with his fear of flying. I'm looking forward to (hopefully?!) reading a scene or two set on a plane. Hopefully he's lucky enough to sit next to someone who'll offer a sympathetic bottle of water if he's sick, as opposed to someone who'll goad him into getting sick sooner than he should've!

Aahh Phil and Bill! :D I actually LOLed when you mentioned Phil kicking Rammer out of the room, haha. Love that Phil is rude in that teasing, big brother kind of way, as opposed to OC who is just plain rude. :P And Bill is such a sweetie, being all nice and calming and lovely and telling Mac politely to put a sock in it. I cannot wait to see more of Rammer's hero worship!
Lionheart Rising chapter 1 . 3/9/2014
I just wanted to let you know that I love all of your "Miracle" fics. I especially like your portrayal of the characters; the Conehead line (although they're not in this chapter) are always great, and any mentions of O.C. make me smile, since he's my favorite. Please, don't stop.
Keep it up!