Reviews for Not Your Typical High School Romance
JudyBunny22 chapter 42 . 6/14
I love weddings! I'm grinning like an idiot while typing this! ;]
JudyBunny22 chapter 40 . 6/14
JudyBunny22 chapter 39 . 6/14
I hate seeing them apart. I know Percy made a promise to Nico, but still, it's hard to keep a relationship going for a year, much less 4 years. I proud of them!
JudyBunny22 chapter 37 . 6/14
So Nico's dad was the DJ?! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! I can't stop laughing. Haha!
JudyBunny22 chapter 36 . 6/14
I love the caption for the scrap book!
JudyBunny22 chapter 35 . 6/14
I literally jump up and down whenever Percy and Nico do something cute. I love it!
JudyBunny22 chapter 33 . 6/14
I'm running out of how many times I can say " Awwwww. "
JudyBunny22 chapter 29 . 6/14
Awww. I really like this chapter! :]
JudyBunny22 chapter 28 . 6/14
Cuteness overload
To say it mildly.
JudyBunny22 chapter 27 . 6/14
I can't help but remember that in the original series that both Nico and Percy are cousins, but Jason and Bianca were too. R.I.P Jason and Bianca. :[
JudyBunny22 chapter 26 . 6/14
Hahaha, I couldn't imagine Nico or Percy listening to this until now.
JudyBunny22 chapter 25 . 6/14
I love the way Percy acts like a 5 year old. ;]
JudyBunny22 chapter 23 . 6/14
YAY! * me dancing around my room *
JudyBunny22 chapter 22 . 6/14
JudyBunny22 chapter 21 . 6/14
I hate their conflicts. It's like every time they argue a little piece inside of me dies.
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