Reviews for Gentle Sylph
Guest chapter 12 . 1/14/2016
Dude! This is so good!

I love this story!

Really hope you'll continue!
Cindy M 19 chapter 12 . 6/26/2015
What happened? I don't understand the end... the story is very cool
guest chapter 12 . 4/24/2015
Nice story, can't wait for the next chapter, I hope you post the next chapter today :)
ThePageOfTime chapter 1 . 8/13/2014
Its been a while... GAHHH SCHOOLS BAVK ON THE THIRD! *deadpan* Kill meh now...

Guest chapter 1 . 7/15/2014
When is maka gonna come out I feel like maka finding crona has taken too long but it's still enjoyable with all the flash backs. I just hope you have kiMa I've actually been waiting for then to meet!
Casey Creeper chapter 8 . 5/2/2014
Awesome story dude. You should seriously update
ThePageOfTime chapter 8 . 4/20/2014
Crona,(Jedi Mind Trick time)You do not need Maka...Kid is who you love... This is becoming


Me:Uh-huh. Happy Easter and Ham for all! Ciao!
ThePageOfTime chapter 7 . 4/16/2014
YES YES YES! KidxCrona for life...Now keep 'em together!(Maka can die,and imma be happier but I dont care)But seriously, Crona should stay with IS perfectly symmetrical...I think it would be cute if Crona put her feelers in a heart. :3 Also,Reina is still single...I is evil. I ate an ant at 6th grade camp back INTERNET! GOODBYE INTERNET!
KhaalidaNyx chapter 7 . 4/14/2014
ANOTHER CHAPTER! Yay! *throws more happy confetti* I loved this chapter! Poor Crona is torn between Kid and Maka, but she has known Maka longer...
KhaalidaNyx chapter 6 . 4/14/2014
So, is Maka the first human to speak to Pokemons or something? That's pretty sweet. Awww, Ragnarok is protective of Crona! So cute! Patty and Liz... Yeah, I can get why they don't believe Crona. Ponera finally left! Yay! *throws confetti* XD Poor Kid and Crona... getting attacked by fangirls is scary.
ThePageOfTime chapter 6 . 4/13/2014
Yes...Crona must stay with kid...Coming up rainbows on my end over here! :3 Perfect...I love this story so much, when I get back in 3 days, imma make a calender of when i think things are happening...Also, if Kid needs a girlfriend my OC Reina Amythyst is single...;3 PM me with Response,And I love long , really I dont give 2 cents about Maka and I picture the area like my old house, which makes me love the story even more.I havnt seen alot of Soul Eater, but I know all dem characters. Is there a way you can incorporate ? (pokemon professor meeting perhaps maybe a docter or check-up giver?)Also,I will do my best to help you anyway I can, just note, im on my 3DS XL Red Pokemon X and Y Edition. Cant help all that much but...Y'know.(my Sylveon is male lv.100 so I named him Armin, he looks like a girl and is super powerful! Attack on Titan!)So yeah, PM me with a response and keep up the good work!
ThePageOfTime chapter 4 . 4/10/2014
THATS AMAZING! I LOVE IT! MAKE IT AT LEAST 20 CHAPTERS! I Like the Kid and Crona parts the best as their my favorite characters. I actually am not interested in the others and am hoping that 1)Crona and Kid stay together 2)Maka gets a new pokemon...A nice...Meowstic or somthing. 3)Maka dies. I dont like Maka. 4)Patty must shock that one b*tchy bug girl. and/or 5)Spirit(death scythe, makas dad) can go fuc* himself •3• Ciao and keep it up!
SoulTrainer chapter 4 . 4/4/2014
Aaaaaaawwwwww! Soooooooo cuuuuuute! I can't wait until they find Maka!

Wow... I wasn't expecting an appearance from Ponera though! I almost didn't catch it!
KhaalidaNyx chapter 4 . 3/30/2014
I feel so bad for both Maka and Crona right now! I hope Maka (or her pokemon) get(s) a lead soon! Thank you so much for the updates! They're great!
KhaalidaNyx chapter 2 . 3/27/2014
I love it! Poor Crona. I really like how you have written this story though and I hope you will update soon! Maka must be freaking out right now. Lucky Kid found the poor girl.