Reviews for Wisdom Tooth
Wolf'sVine chapter 7 . 5/10/2018
I can't tell you how many times I laughed throughout this fic as Ciel and Sebastian one-upped, taunted and mocked one another! It was hilarious! And taking Ciel's beloved sweets from his was... well, I had an amusing time reading as Sebastian had a great time teasing his young master! Though, Ciel got his own back as much as he can! Which was funny! Is Ciel the first one to have his wisdom tooth removed? Cuz... well, I dunno, but it's interesting that he's the one that started that trend! What a fun fic this was!
Aservis Roturier chapter 2 . 10/3/2017
recommend it I shall. The fools don't know what they're missing.
Aservis Roturier chapter 1 . 10/3/2017
I tend to forget th difficulty the average writer runs up against in trying to recreate this period, but you are going abot it absolutely the rght way! Ad your first chapter was a little gem. i cannot wait for round 2. And just remember, Victorian history and speech can be lened, but youneed to be bon with a certain talent for devious thinking and understanding of the ways of manipulation in order to write a good Sebastian. And you came already equipped with that talent.

Evn Yana-sensei had to work hard at the history part, there's no shame in that.

So relax, you've got the worst of the beast beaten already.
Queen Martha Pond chapter 7 . 3/27/2016
I love this, it's so well written, probably the best kuroshitsuji fanfiction I've read! All the characters were written perfectly, and I was laughing a lot throughout. Amazing!
forever122 chapter 7 . 1/4/2015
Heehee... This was cute and funny all the way through! Thanks for the awesome story!
Guest chapter 7 . 12/19/2014
Wow! Finally a story with an ending chapter! *clapping hands*() Thank you very much for writing this! I had thought about the tooth-topic while watching kuroshitsuji ...guess i enjoyed this fanfic even more because of that...

I think you presented the personalities of the main characters in a very unique and matching way (expecially matching to the manga). It was very entertainig how you showed Sebastian's (how you. Called it) ' twisted sense of humor'. This a big and important part of his personality often forgotten in other thanks alot ... In the other hand i think shou should have give the other charakter more charakteristics in their way of speaking ( just like maylene mostly does not speak in a normal way when she is a maid. You would have had a better contrast between the silly and the serious Maylene in the last chapter with this type of writing).

Futhermore it would be better if you think about the time you're story plays first before writing. The nyou can consider special words or parts of the storyline matching the situation.

I also recognized that you like to explain the situation in you're story. Try to let explain the situation with you're characters..just like through the way they act or respond. If you always explain the feelings and the mood immediently the reader could get bored cause he can't think about the action himself.

It was really amusing to read each single chapter. You're getting better in the end of each one. Maybe you need some time to get in you're writing- rhythm. ;D All in all you really thought about a LOT of aspects in this sory. That makes me smile ! Thanks! The kuroshitsuji details in the main characters are amazing. I love the way you choose words even if they dont match at some go on writing!
promocat chapter 7 . 12/19/2014
loved sebastian's idea about the tooth fairy & gift giving!great job!
FennecFoxPower chapter 6 . 8/29/2014
lmncake chapter 6 . 7/2/2014
NO! Don't end it! You should add more chapters for Ciel's revenge on Sebastian!

Me: . . . That should have been hell for you Ciel... Eating the salad...
Ciel: *green* Don't remind me...
Me: *slowly turns green while thinking about it* Should we have Sebastian bring us tiramisu cake?
Ciel: Tiramisu... Yes... I haven't had that in a while...
Me: *sighs* Then call Sebastian already!
Ciel: Patience. Sebastian!
Sebastian: *appears*
Ciel: Make us some tiramisu cake.
Sebastian: Yes, my lord.
Me: *menacing* Don't you fucking dare add something sickening in it.
Sebastian: *mocking* I wouldn't dream about it.
Me: *thinking* Fuck you.
someone chapter 2 . 6/26/2014
BTW, there weren't floss and x rays in the Victorian age
B. T. Emmett chapter 6 . 6/27/2014
I absolutely adore this story. I enjoyed reading every moment until the end!
promocat chapter 6 . 6/26/2014
I do like a good lentil soup(but with some curry in it)poor ciel!but he managed to stop this game because Sebastian was winning
ChellyBellyBeanBag chapter 5 . 4/27/2014
Don't worry. It wasn't anymore awkward then some moments in the manga, and definitely not enough to be called yaoi. At least in my opinion. Oh these two, how they love the make the other miserable. LOL. I've been giggling the whole time I read this. I couldn't believe that Ciel would spit out plain milk lololol, milk is still delicious all by itself xD. Wow he really would live on sugar if it were up to him. O.O You write them very well. I commend you.
promocat chapter 5 . 4/25/2014
lmncake chapter 5 . 4/25/2014
I feel your pain Ciel... all of a sudden my parents decided to take away my sweets...

Ciel: Tch. Don't speak to me.
Me: The hell? Why?
Ciel: You abandoned me to help Sebastian!
Me: *confused* When?
Ciel: Argh! In the last chapter when you said that you would help him make more food idioms if he'll make you chocolate cake!
Me: Oh yeah... But I also said that one must do what one musts to survive. Like how you summoned a demon.
Ciel:. . . So?
Me: *smirks* And that proves my point.
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