Reviews for TARDIS life
Wren Truesong chapter 38 . 6/8
Yes, I got the Vol 3 boxset for the sake of enjoying these more, too. I've only listened to "No Place" so far, but I adore this all the more for it. They really did play husband and wife far too enthusiastically. This is a beautiful little coda to the terror and chaos and laughter.
Wren Truesong chapter 33 . 6/8
I've also listened to Time Reaver since last time. And yes, you helped convince me for that, too. I love how you conjure up the memories so well; the check-ins are great. And it's just so marvellous watching Donna haggle. A good memory to counterbalance some of the bad.
Wren Truesong chapter 28 . 6/8
so i was rereading this whole fic, came to this, remembered that since I last read this i had actually ACQUIRED In The Blood, and went and read it so i could read this.

dm1 chapter 38 . 5/11
OMG, the nicknames they came up with for each other were hilarious! I just loved "No Place." They were so awkward trying to be "Mr. & Mrs. Normal," with all the gushy stuff. The reality, though, when she unthinkingly called him the Love of her Life, then realized what she said and actually agreed with it, and when she affectionately called him Spaceman... that's a real relationship. Just like this scene you've just painted.

I love that she seems a little reluctant to give up the ring, that she feels comfortable enough to just doze off by his side, and that he has this simple urge to kiss her hand as she slept to give her some comfort.

His only fear would be that she would leave him, but she promised... and Donna keeps her promises whenever she can. I do get the sense that they both knew each other better than anyone else did.
Oddity Empress chapter 38 . 5/11
Gosh they are such a pair of goof balls but I love the two the best. Love when a chapter comes up always makes me want to reread through it all again!
Wren Truesong chapter 37 . 2/5
oh each and every one of these is so beautiful and funny
Oddity Empress chapter 36 . 2/9/2018
So hated yet loved that episode!
4Eirlys chapter 28 . 4/22/2017
This was just lovely to read! It suited my mood, though I didn't realise when I started. I've just had an intense two weeks and now I'm home alone and also had z dream where I fell in love. Wierd. Anyway this was just the thing! They're my favourite regardless of whether they're romantically involved or not (and isn't that thus the best pairing?) Anyway I was wondering what was the book you mentioned? Is it real? I got a bit confused and thought it was the one where the Doctor turns into a human but that was with Martha so... anyway I loved this! :)
MyDarlingRose chapter 29 . 4/21/2017
Haha, this was cute lol
dm1 chapter 29 . 4/21/2017
They can't take each other anywhere, can they? They just feed off of each other!

Opera isn't my cup of tea, either... neither is football (soccer, whatever)! So much for serenity and life-changing experiences...
dm1 chapter 27 . 4/18/2017
Aww... Donna gets huffy with him, then goes all in with the program! I loved how they shared the blanket at the end, cozy with hot drinks and by a nice fire.

The TARDIS always knows what's best...
Oddity Empress chapter 27 . 4/18/2017
The fluff! Must have more!
dm1 chapter 24 . 6/16/2016
Yup... Rudolph was broken-hearted at the loss of his queen! But Donna was where she belonged, at the Doctor's side, in the TARDIS. The Doctor, too, was broken-hearted when he had to leave her behind, a shell of her former self. More like "shattered."

Runaway Queen, Runaway Bride... at least this "flash" of knowledge didn't kill her. Figures one of her children would get "Goritania" as a project.

I'm left to wonder if Shaun actually had any idea as to what just happened, or if his relief is just that. I would hope that Sylvia and Wilf would warn him a little bit.
Docdonnalove chapter 23 . 2/21/2016
Quite possibly one of the most beautiful chapters ever, so simple, so in character, with plenty of little details I loved stumbling across, from the profile view of Donna in the library to the way he revealed his book title (and her reaction to it). Wonderful!
Ashena-Iulik chapter 22 . 1/9/2016
ooohhh! so sweet! I need an insulin shot :D
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