Reviews for The Tale of Two Wolves
Valoja chapter 23 . 2/6/2015
TYPICAL MEN. Always thinking about sex! *throws hands in air* Anyways, I'm glad that Vaas is still... well, Vaas. These past few chapters I was beginning to fear that he was becoming a bit too soft, to be very honest... Ah well, now let's hope that the pirates will trust her more after she's frigging saved them. Damned mosquitoes!
Valoja chapter 22 . 2/6/2015
I've got to give it to her, she's a stubborn woman. Probably for the better. Who knows how long (or, rather, how short) it would have taken one of us crazy fanfic-ladies before we gave up and just tackled the man. Preferably into a bed. In the hopes that he won't kill us for it. Ahahaha *scratches back of head awkwardly*
Valoja chapter 20 . 2/6/2015
Oof, Vaas biting his lip! *squeals* That image made ME bite my lip, too. And holy crap, Alex showing off her mad skillz was awesome. Loved how Kidd just went along with all of it, haha.
Valoja chapter 19 . 2/6/2015
Ayyyyyy! *holds pompomps in the air* Scooore! *cough* Vaas is into cougars. Who would've thought that? XD
Valoja chapter 17 . 2/6/2015
Ahaha, I couldn't help but laugh at the image of Vaas's face when he saw Alex do his finger-gun thing. Though I'm curious to see your interpretation of what happened between him and the Rakyat. From what I heard there's not much that has been officially stated about his background, lots of room for head canons and all that.
Valoja chapter 12 . 2/6/2015
Ack, I have a bad feeling about this. Kidd seems like one of those people I'd trust no matter what, and he says it'll be all right... Plus I imagine him being pretty buff, former military and all that. There's no way he can lose against a pirate DX Unless they cheat. Or he has to fight, like, a tiger... Damn you Vaas, damn your sexy butt to Hell and back! *shakes fist*
Valoja chapter 11 . 2/6/2015
I'm really sorry that I'm only reviewing now. Wanted to make sure it wasn't going to disappoint me further on, since that happens quite a lot on this site, but it seems that I'm still here, still enjoying reading it :D And seeing as how, somehow, this story only has FRIGGING TWO REVIEWS I'm going to try my best and make up for it.

So, first of all: the main character. She seems great! Not a Mary Sue, if you ask me, and with an original story, too. I get that the most logical way to get an OC and Vaas together is by making her a tourist, but I can think of many ways to not make it one of those "OC has dark past and is actually crazy but tries to hide it and of course is perfect for fucked up Vaas" stories. So kudos to you for not making it one of those! (And also, Kidd is awesome. Just saying.)

Secondly: Vaas. *happy sigh* Now I know how hard that guy is to keep in character, which is why I myself will never even think of writing something for him, but it seems that you've managed pretty well. Before I found this story, I had found an actual piece of shit fanfic where Vaas was so OOC you wouldn't believe it, but all the reviews the author had gotten were about how "in character" Vaas was. No no no no, what are you people, have you ever played the game?! I've only played it for a few hours now and even /I/ know he'd never do stuff that he did in that story! Very scary and annoying.

Another point, specifically for this chapter: Jose! I love how you gave one of the pirates a story, making him more like a human being instead of a bad guy you've got to shoot. That's what disappoints me so about the game after reading so many fanfics about it (at least up till where I am in the game, perhaps it'll change or something). The Rakyat are portrayed as the poor good guys, victims of the bad pirates, but Vaas's story with his sister show that not everything is as you'd think with those people either. I hope I get to meet at least one pirate who isn't instantly demonised...

So yeah. Here's my review! Hope it makes up for all those bastards who couldn't even review something like "love this story :D" or anything. I'll try to hang around for longer, commenting on touches I enjoyed most in the individual chapters, but nothing as long as this of course xD Thank you for putting the effort into writing this!
Z0mbiKitty chapter 56 . 7/26/2014
Just wanted to drop in and say that I really loved this story! Absolutely great! One of my favorites (:
Guest chapter 56 . 3/7/2014
OMG I LOVED IT! Such a plot twist where Alex becomes the new priestess. REALLY awesome! I hope that u write more this story is just so amazing I mean really great you deserve a private island for this story :)