Reviews for Star-Crossed
Guest chapter 2 . 1/7/2015
This story is so enjoyable! I loved the part when Benvolio was getting confused by Romeo's Shakespearean. Please update!
beforethequeen chapter 2 . 5/27/2014
I love the way you've adapted and updated Romeo and Juliet for modern prose. Their personalities come through in a whole new way, and it's very fun to read. The play-fencing scene stands out to me the most, I really like how you've incorporated the violence from canon into your universe. The chemistry the three boys have is exciting, I was looking forward to meeting Romeo and you definitely did not disappoint. I'm enthusiastic about what's still to come!
Happydance chapter 2 . 5/24/2014
Favourite quote:
“Romeo! Romeo! Wherefore art thou, Romeo!”
“I don’t think that means what you think it means.”

I like the way you've characterised everyone and (seemingly at least, since I can't be bothered to check) intergrated quotes from the play. Also emo!Romeo is hilarious.

That being said, if I remember correctly, Rosalie was also a Capulet (Juliet's cousin if I remember correctly, though I don't know if that had anything to do with her not liking Romeo) and she and Mercutio were the only ones mentioned in this chapter invited to the party, which was hosted by the Capulets (Mercutio being invited because he, like Paris, was related to Prince Escalus and therefore not a Montague), though Benvolio and Romeo snuck in anyway with masks.

Can't wait for the next chapter :D
WhoNeedsReality chapter 2 . 5/21/2014
Oh, yay, I'm really enjoying this so far!
WhoNeedsReality chapter 1 . 5/11/2014
Yay, this is awesome! Please update soon!
Guest chapter 1 . 4/26/2014
Omg! Really like this story. Hope you write more. Please do.
Brendan Rizzo chapter 1 . 4/3/2014
This is nice. I didn't think that a high school AU would actually be well-written, but you proved me wrong. Keep it up.
Nerya chapter 1 . 3/29/2014
Voilà une histoire intéressante et qui appelle une suite... Que j'attend avec impatiente !
PS : Sorry, my English is poor so I write my review in French. I hope that you understand me.