Reviews for Close Encounters 15
fanka77 chapter 11 . 1/17/2016
Eh, that was close for them both. Great chapter!
Time for part 16!
conservativegirl chapter 11 . 3/26/2015
Amazing story! I love the drama and the outcome of finding the regimen-YAY! I'm so glad they once again found their footing with one another and I'm excited to see where they'll go next, especially with their family and Bracken
life's a mystery chapter 11 . 2/8/2015
another great story! how many hurdles do these two have to overcome :)
life's a mystery chapter 5 . 2/8/2015
OMG! these two seem to have to overcome every possible problem ! Well written :)
MissBeh8ve chapter 11 . 5/21/2014
FUCKING AWESOME ! That's what it is!
MissBeh8ve chapter 7 . 5/19/2014
your dialogs gut me everytime! seriously, I'm never prepared for this! how can you have that effect on me, after 15.852.496 chapters of CE?!
aussiecate chapter 11 . 4/2/2014
Every time I read one of the next installment in this series my fingernails get shorter! Action packed and incredibly suspenseful. I never expected to see these two be stalked by a gorilla (well not one named Black anyway), attacked by a hippo and singed by lightening! I really should know better after 16 installments shouldn't I!
Fabulous as always. I'm looking forward to their next set of adventures in Skyfall.
Octoulpe chapter 11 . 3/30/2014
This is such a wonderful serie. I'm sure you could have a pilot by sending this work.
I would love to see them celebrate their wedding anniversary.
leuska chapter 11 . 3/30/2014
Oooh,I can't wait for the continuation of this,finally a little normalcy returning to their lives...or at least as much normalcy these two are capable off.:)
Still loving this universe, Laura. Brilliant.
You encouraged me some time ago to share my ideas/wishes for this story to go...well, I would really really love to see some city action,for a change (compared to a Russian steppe,Tunisian dessert or kongo jungle:)). Maybe some big english speaking metropole, even in the us maybe. I'd love to see beckett radiant and beautiful at a high profile social gala/event, undercover, dressed up and sexi and smart and totally killing castle with how gorgeous she is,even while working undercover, stealing the room and spotlight, the spy in her hiding in plain sight (oooh, or an undercover visit to a casino?that could be quite interesting too!I would love to see that too...mhmmm...)
And I would maybe love,as previously mentioned, love to maybe see an old enemy of castles returning back/appearing of thin air, maybe seeking vendetta, maybe targeting his wife,their life..I would love to see more of the boys, Ryan and expo snd maybe even s bit of lanie or Martha again (long time no see nothing on that particular plotline). And see then back to their usual routine,working in the office and taking sasha out for walks and pondering about the still empty bedroom in their brownstone.
I would like to read more on how things are proceeding with bracken,see whether Kate gets pregnant and see whether we return to the plotline as to why she was followed back in the day and more importantly,by whom, and who killed her former physio therapist from stone farm.
And for the love of god,I would love to see a situation in which castle tells beckett what to do and she might actually follow him without any further questions or doubts, lol.
So as you can see,there Is quite a lot I envisioned myself for this universe and I hope we will get to see at least a little portion of it in your series...
my dedication to this universe is quite overwhelming, see the mere fact that I am typing this review up ob my phone (sorry for the typos and potentially stupid and non-sensical autocorrects).so please, hurry with the next installment, I can't wait! And: Thank you! *hugs you really tight*
leuska chapter 10 . 3/30/2014
I love this so much! Good way wrap this up,get a third party crash the place.i wonder who they are...
Just one thing that irks me,thought i do understand it, so its a rhethorical rant really...:) just.
We never actually sse that any of blacks promises and/or threats mean anything else but screwing with them. He lies and twists and his words hold no real value. Despite having all the information, he never really actually given them any, on purpose no less. So how can kate eat up all he says so easily? Why doesnt she trust her own husband instead?

And I do,I ...ggah!

Ps: hope we will see them have a real break soon...they deserve it,poor babies.
Guest chapter 11 . 3/29/2014
Brilliant, as usual. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, this series...can't wait for #16!
non chapter 11 . 3/29/2014

Ps! Hope to meet Martha some time again. :)
non chapter 10 . 3/28/2014
Is it just me or — Beckett seriously, seriously pisses me off. Singing everything to Black, about the tracker and all. Pffftt.
God please continue.
leuska chapter 9 . 3/28/2014
Niiiice! Just dont tell me that black has somewhere an army of little orphaned boys he is administering the regimen to...:(

Anyway,the place will be gone by the end of this soy castle,is it not? Sigh. I hope they will at least be able to salvage the one beckett is wearing so the mission,the whole ordeal,won't all have been for nothing.:(

Also...charlie zero...that totally has to be castle, right? Kate so insistent on the regimen she didn't even realize,but castle did, right? He did,that's why he took the file...
He was the pilot,the pioneer of his fathers who is black pumping the regimen into?

I hope they will be able to get out relatively unscathered and have some time to heal and decompress a little...Kate needs to heal physically and castle mentally. However,I loved his thoughts on Kate and beckett, that the most important thing is they had their dreams even if they never got to fullfill them. i looove this write u what I hope/wish to see in the story later. For just now - great job!
Mee and mind-buddie Gee chapter 11 . 3/28/2014
Amazing as always
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