Reviews for Mimic
ManticoreBlues chapter 32 . 2/7
hope you update soon
ManticoreBlues chapter 28 . 2/6
the r d vs blue Christmas special just started playing on my playlist:)
Derich chapter 25 . 12/25/2018
Actually, that was her second kiss. First one was the shinigami.

Oh, and that was not Sasuke first kiss too. First one was Naruto (and I was half expecting that little detail to come up in this omake :D )
Heart chapter 5 . 3/3/2018
A bit fucking awkward. What was that transition between clawing-wigging out to sunny sarcasm and non challenge. No inner thoughts. No tension. Just huh
Heart chapter 4 . 3/3/2018
I appreciate the music, and Sasuke's odd Uchiha-friendly interactions with her.
Heart chapter 3 . 3/3/2018
Deus ex fucking machina much?! What the heck!? I feel like a bit of editing is needed. More than one person talking per line, to me, is okay and/or dubious but per paragraph?! *shudder* I like the interactions tho. Especially with Sasuke.
Heart chapter 2 . 3/3/2018
Okay. This chapter was a bit rough and choppy. Seriously, Kakashi wtf? Tge characters reactions on the bridge and just no explanation for neglecting behavior even for Kakashi, on his part. Like why was he early when he specifically said he was gonna be late? Naruto and Sasuke, mainly Naruto's reaction I feel was a little flat and non realistic. Yeah, it's rough. But imma stay with it.
Heart chapter 1 . 3/3/2018
Well. That shit happened. She must have had Potter or Uzumaki luck at least at that moment because who would just happen upon Shinigama in an alley be trsnsportes because of soul pollotics or whatever that she wasnt even a part of, and then be found and subsequently, presumably taken care of by Kakashi. I'm totally fine with him being a bit more of a vindictive troll btw. *smiles* But yeah Sheesh...
Innieminnie chapter 2 . 2/28/2018
Awh Dam turkey ham...I wish I had some turkey...dam ham.
Innieminnie chapter 1 . 2/28/2018
I'm reasonably sure either should be other
WhatIsAGamer chapter 1 . 2/23/2018
otakuchika you are being biased STFU you don't have to cut yourself to have depression everyone reacts differently you obviously have not been in a suicide prevention group for you to claim someone's problems are not good enough and joking is a method of stress relief please the author says they actually do this so I would go for the benefit of the doubt and not assume you're the only one with "actual" problems...
OtakuChika chapter 3 . 12/16/2017
speaking as a person with depression who has self harmed, I have to say this blase approach to these things is kind of upsetting. please either clarify that these things are said jokingly, or do not speak of and judge what you don't understand. thank you.
OtakuChika chapter 1 . 12/16/2017
because depression is apparently a cliche. great.
Guest chapter 32 . 12/14/2017
Wonderful story *sniffs* I am so satisfied reading this I cant wait to see your next update GAMBAREE Author sama~~
Silly Thoughts chapter 1 . 12/14/2017
well I would say kakashi's is forgiving because he wants to be forgiven for his past. As a kid he hated his father because people looked at him as the "child of the traitor" and that's how he thought of himself up until he halfway through joining with obito. He was seen as a genius and was a chunin andlater a junin before obito and Rin even gained a rank yet they both "died" in front of his eyes one he killed the other he removed they eye from while he slowly died crushed under a boulder.

The only technique he ever made was a failure as it lost the rasengons form, harmed the user and needed a sharingan to actually utilise in combat which he didn't have when he created it.

Then he failed his teacher and the dead kid he killed the crush of who gave him the eye he is now famous for utilising, he slept through the massacre of their entire clan and had done nothing to help that clan when they had been under political fire after the kyubi attack and had been forced to live solely in their clan district.

And lastly he failed this kid I front of him the child of his student, a child that people look at as a monster, a child he had done more than a few protection observing missions of but had never had the courage to actually help as the student of his father should.

He forgives sasuke and naruto because he wants their forgiveness. He is calm and detached because it has been his coping method since he was a child, because to be sarcastic and sassy is to rebel an aspect he hated his father for doing, was hated by the village for being the son of someone who performed as such.

Nature and nurture.

His greatest achievements, all the events that have made up the events that define him are built on his failures even his title and even his previous position as Anbu captain are built from the eye of his 'Dead' friend and his fleeing from the knowledge the last father figure he had was dead,all those he loved were dead, and he couldn't add another loved one even a baby that needed him because 'when' it died it would destroy him and he couldn't leave the village the same way his father did but down the path he was going becoming a father was the only thing he could see himself doing in his future.

At least that's what I got from all his flashbacks personally I'm fine with OOC but reading the question of why he was made calm and forgiving...well personally I can't see anyone going through all those failures that built up his character especially starting with his father being hated and him being looked down on simply for his fathers choice to save people's lives over the mission and not turn out like that.

Sassy and sarcastic are acts of rebelling against the structured method and up until he met obito he felt all things rebellious were trash, it wasn't until after that he could break out and habits built up over years and through war and training are hard habits to break.

But first good chapter now to move forward and read the actually sassy sarcastic kakashi's and the story unfold.

Have fun writing their are defiantly people that will enjoy reading it.
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