Reviews for Game of Thrones: Vendetta
barchietargaryen chapter 5 . 5/27
Next series: Game of Thrones and Riverdale
Guest chapter 1 . 4/3
God, Targ stans are so fucking annoying when they write shitfics like these. Imagine thinking Aerys, a man who burned people alive for pleasure and would rape his wife deserved any sympathy or justice when he was the reason the rebellion broke out.

Also, please... Jaime would easily have wrecked Aegon. And nice job with butchering characters. Roose Bolton doesn't give a damn about Ramsay, so I highly doubt he would've reacted that way to Ramsay dying.

Never touch GOT/ASOIAF with your wankfest Mary Sue fanfics ever again
Leithriel chapter 5 . 1/24
So he avenged both Lords of Castamere (the Reyne patriach and Robb)
Puffgirl1952 the 2nd chapter 5 . 12/12/2019
Dang that was awesome would have been nice to throw in the Long Night for an exta touch
Foxy-Floof chapter 5 . 9/13/2019
Wow... That was quite the ending.

And I'm actually okay with the Lannisters dying off. After all, Cersei could have hated Robert, could have cheated on him to her black heart's content, but so long as she chose men with black hair and blue eyes, no one could have proven a thing. Arryn would have no grounds to search for the truth, and thus would not have been killed off. Stark would never have come south, and the Starks would have stayed in Winterfell, ruling much the same as the last 300 years.

No war, no great upheaval. Even Mag's prophecy would have fallen by the wayside.
Foxy-Floof chapter 1 . 9/12/2019
Ahhh, how satisfying a revenge-fic!

If only poor Talisa had had such a powerful father. Things would indeed be over very quickly. And perhaps, had her father been so powerful... Rob would not have been betrayed. To risk such an enemy... Frey and Bolton would have spit on Tywin's offer.
AnthonyR89 chapter 5 . 9/10/2019
i always thought of Tywin as a capable swordsmen, but nothing spectacular. nothing, compared to his son, or Arthur Dayne, Barristan Selmy, or even Ned Stark.
and Mace as Master of Coin? does Aegon want Westeros to go bankrupt, again? the man's an idiot. i can see giving the Tyrells a position on the small council, but why Mace? why not Willas, or Garlan? hell, even Loras would be a better choice.
AnthonyR89 chapter 4 . 9/10/2019
again, Roose didn't give a damn about Ramsey. if anything, he cared even less for Ramsey than he did the son Ramsey murdered, Domeric.

also, the Karstarks should be punished. have some of their holding be taken away and given to other, more loyal houses.

kind of messed up you killed Tommen and Myrcella, as well, they were innocent in all this. also pretty sure Myrcella should have been in Dorne by this point.

to say nothing of the fact that you've been acting as if the fact that Joffrey and his siblings were bastards was news. Stannis announced that when he put forth his own claim for the throne.
AnthonyR89 chapter 3 . 9/10/2019
...Why are they speaking to the Blackfish as if he were the head of House Tully? Edmure is the Lord Paramount. at most, he's his nephew's trusted advisor, heir, and second in command.
AnthonyR89 chapter 2 . 9/10/2019 honest dude, that quote might be from the bible, but you got it from Pulp Fiction, heh.

also, gout sucks (both my mother, before she died, and my father have it), but it's not as debilitating as you seem to be implying. Walder would be more than capable of getting up and running for his life if the situation called for it. he might not be all that fast, and it'd probably hurt like hell, but he could do it.

the other comment to this chapter would be that i don't think Walder Frey really gives a damn about any of his children. they're just tools to him. he only really cares about himself.

i also don't really buy the Iron Born being capable of taking the Rock. Casterly Rock is one of the most formidable fortresses in Westeros. and the Iron Born are pirates. not good for much other than naval combat and raids. i just don't see them being able to successfully lay siege to a place like Casterly Rock. and why would Eamon and Genna try to run? Genna, at least, would be smart enough to know she'd be safer in the Rock.
AnthonyR89 chapter 1 . 9/10/2019
given the info in this chapter, is Bravos stil the strongest of the Free Cities, or is it Volantis?

also, "allowed" the Targaryens to stay when they left Valyria? they had ****ing dragons! i really doubt it was up to them. the Maegyr family might be Valyrian, but they weren't dragonlords.
Guest chapter 5 . 7/9/2019
YEEEESSSSSS! A new favorite story. A very good on my list
Artemis0406 chapter 3 . 10/28/2018
you clearly haven't seen a map of westros. harrenhal is nowhere near the twins.
riverrun is nearer to twins then harenhal
Shivam591 chapter 5 . 10/13/2018
This is the most satisfying fic I've read . EVER.
Victoria chapter 5 . 9/19/2018
One question: how on earth is Lady alive? She died! And when they find Nymeria? Ok that was two but these are little things I would like to know.
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