Reviews for Wings To Fly
lord Martiya chapter 14 . 3/12/2017
I'll have to concede, the Outer Colonies' has been a good plan. Now the question is: will Relena relent and accept there's no choice? That would make facing the invaders much easier...
Also, a suggestion for Noin's new paintjob to reflect how she's now the heir to the throne of Italy without it going too much into people's face: Savoy blue (RGB coordinates 75; 97; 209) with the star of Italy. Relatively subtle symbols while garish enough (to those who don't know what that color and a white star with a red border mean) that may well get her mistaken for a rookie.
lord Martiya chapter 10 . 3/11/2017
Of all the places that could be hit... This is going to start a new crusade, isn't it?
lord Martiya chapter 9 . 3/10/2017
The question for the chapter is: if Mars has such a high number of Treize Faction people, why did they send the guy who killed him?
lord Martiya chapter 3 . 3/7/2017
Well, now this is quite interesting, especially for an Italian history buff as me. And I can see how the Italian monarchy could have survived, would have been a matter of Vittorio Emanuele III abdicating in 1944 instead of making his son a regent and abdicating later, or maybe honor his nickname of "Soldier King" and die in the defense of Rome. Still, I have two questions:
1)How did the Dukes Of Aosta gain the family name of Noin? By Italian nobility bylaws in general and Savoy bylaws in particular, title succession is strictly patrilineal.
2)Does Noin wear two Stars of Italy on her uniform's collar like other Italian soldiers? Considering she's effectively royalty, it would be expected.
pheonix89 chapter 14 . 6/2/2016
Quatre has a gundam? Welp, I feel sorry for anyone other than Zechs who runs up against him. Gundams are bad news even when bad pilots have them. Given one to one of the actual Gundam pilots and non-aces without Gundams can't meaningfully oppose him.
Synthesis chapter 14 . 6/1/2016
Wow, glad to see this updated after a long absence. Still, we do what we can. Once again, I think the Gundam boys (or at least Duo and Wufei) stole the chapter from Noin (and she was spot-on about Duo's little political observations seeming particularly odd given where he came from). As in the past, Noin seemed a little in the background, but I will say her conversation (and then her own thoughts) with Dyer go a long way to further humanize her, which I can appreciate. And Zechs continues to be a puzzle that everyone else is gradually breaking through the layers of, one by one. I approve of the theory about Treize as his safety switch, it's a good, clear one.

Also, the MCM uses OZ colors? Were we told that? I could've sworn they used UESA colors (at least for their violet Leos), but it has been a while since that was covered.
Pat chapter 14 . 5/31/2016
glad you are back writing this is a good story!
NHO chapter 4 . 5/13/2015
I am rereading this and thinking: Wasn't Flight Three was earmarked for Hilde? In first chapter, when leadership of then non-existing Flight Three was discussed?
Guest chapter 13 . 4/18/2015
Treize is a very interesting voice…and not only in Zech's head, apparently!
Guest chapter 13 . 4/15/2015
You always make me go for for the Gundam Wiki to research your references. I mean that in a good way, your attention to and accuracy with detail is impressive. Keep it up!
Bryony chapter 13 . 4/15/2015
Interesting closing few lines!
Synthesis chapter 13 . 4/15/2015
To be fully honest, this chapter lacked a little bit of the raw, uncut entertainment value of the previous one (though, as I expected, it came together towards the end with Ghost-Treize). Top notch MS-on-MS combat, I'm sure, but that's never been the centerpoint of your story, in my mind. I could completely be missing the point, but I am genuinely interested in what happens next.

Still-hurray, someone used my line! I'll take a moment to let my ego grow a bit. Also, what are the odds a strange utterance from a particular one-shot character from Episode 3 would serve as an old Alliance maxim? Nothing wrong with that, probably a good use of it if anything.
Synthesis chapter 12 . 4/13/2015
The military prayer circle, albeit not my style, was a very nice touch-quite beautiful in its own way (mostly because you did a good job hearkening back to naval traditions of old), but I have to say, Wufei definitely stole this chapter (and I find I like him far more in this than I ever did in the series, including EW). Is sarcasm a new thing for him? I think it is.
Guest chapter 12 . 4/11/2015
That's got to be a feint. He seemed entirely too sure of himself for the situation to be what it first appears.
pat chapter 1 . 4/11/2015
you mentioned frozen tears have been looking it up and i want to write btween lines on pre story and cant find details wrong place to ask prob but does anyone know how duo got in motorbike accident and how trowa came to be one to rescue him again good story and sorry to ask question in your review section but not logged in member yet so cant post in forum
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