Reviews for Valhalla Chronicles
Madjai6 chapter 8 . 11/25/2014
I really like this story and you as the author. You write really well and you have managed not to get cheesy with it like a lot of them do. You've kept the characters dignity. I really hope that you will come back to this story and finish it.
BSwifty1997 chapter 8 . 4/18/2014
And aww that flying with tamsin :)
zigfiction chapter 6 . 4/5/2014
I'm usually a big fan of the more angsty Valkubus fics, and I couldn't stop reading because it was angry, attitudey Tamsin in the beginning (and that is always fun to read), but now I'm hooked because the romance between Tamsin and Bo is very lovely and believable. I love how they still respect each other in your story, even as lovers. I usually find the plot gets a little repetitious and gimmicky when a love scene takes place in some Valkubus stories, but in this story I've been totally into it all the way. The chemistry has not been changed between them, even though they have hooked up, and you have written them as a couple very believably. The pacing of this story, in terms of timeline of things they need to get accomplished in a day, seems on point and I'm left feeling like I can't wait to see what happens when they do the next thing on the list. Is fun! Thanks for sharing. Looking forward to reading more. cheers!
Guest chapter 6 . 3/29/2014
Another amazing chapter! So pumped for more!
BSwifty1997 chapter 6 . 3/29/2014
i liked that you wrote that tamsin needed to be saved, its shows that even the most awesomly badass of people need saving sometime :)
Guest chapter 6 . 3/26/2014
I thought my Valkubus shipper heart went into a cardiac arrest with all of the fluff in the beginning. I'm pretty excited about what's gonna happen next.
Shannen13 chapter 6 . 3/25/2014
Thanks for the update, such a great chapter!
Your writing is good don't be so hard on yourself; your story is definitely worth reading!
Can't wait for the next update. Keep up the good work! :)
Ana chapter 5 . 3/16/2014
Hey, thanks for the update.

Yeah, I will. Seriously, I don't know a single person in my country who shipps Valkubus. It needs to be changed ASAP! I want it to be short, like 5 chapters long, so I don't worry about reviews and views. I'm a sucker when it comes to recognition :P

Keep writing!
Guest chapter 5 . 3/16/2014
a proof reader wouldn't go astray you're butchering the language
Ana chapter 4 . 3/14/2014
Hey there!

Thanks for your sweet words. I often try to improve my English, but my vocabulary is quite limited when it comes to stories. I can translate very well from English to Portuguese, but from Portuguese to English... Not that well.

I'm thinking about writing the story in Portuguese, just to write it down. I mean, I don't know if I've told you before, but this is what I want to do: Bo devolves, Kenzi (somehow) kills her and Tamsin takes her to Valhalla and is forgiven because heck, she just brought Odin's daughter back. After that, Valkubus, in which Tam-Tam tries to bring the old Bo back *-*

But anyway... I'm so happy you updated! And to answer your question, I'm not going to lie, I'd love all the dirty details, but if they don't appear, I'll be happy as well. When a fanfic is well written, I really don't care if there's smut or not.

Yay for more than 13 chapters!

And yeah, mystery would be great. A mix of both... Even better, young lady. Mix it all and I promise you will have a loyal reader - ok, I'm lying, you'll have a loyal reader even if you don't do that.

I'm really curious to see where this story goes after they rescue Kenzi! Wait... They rescue her, right? Because I'm thinking here, what if Kenzi is happy with Hale and doesn't want to come back? What would our favourite couple do?

Thanks for the update!
Caliber13 chapter 4 . 3/13/2014
This story is sheer brilliance! I am constantly checking for updates! This is going to be amazing, I can tell :)
Guest chapter 4 . 3/13/2014
Can you please start proofreading or something? It's really hard to read the chapters when there are so many simple spelling mistakes
Caliber13 chapter 2 . 3/10/2014
Also I really hope Tamsin gets to keep her wings and her powers in the end AND they get Kenzi back! Your Valkubus story is amazing :) My current favorite
Caliber13 chapter 3 . 3/10/2014
I am so addicted to this story! I can't wait for more :)
Ana chapter 3 . 3/8/2014
I'm not sure if I reviewed last chapter, but anyway, here's my review for this chapter!

Hmmm... Well, the only thing I'd like to say is that you mentioned 13 chapters for 13 episodes, but in this story, 3 chapters later, things are only starting to, well, begin. Like, I think one episode would go until they find the banshee or rescue Kenzi...

But it's your story.

I'm thinking about starting a Valkubus story as well, but I don't know... Not having English as a first language sucks sometimes, I'm always making mistakes :(
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