Reviews for Be There Till the End of Me
RavenWingDark chapter 1 . 1/3
beautiful! thanks for writing!
Heather Snow chapter 1 . 7/13/2016
Angsty, yes, but also sweet.
Jesse Wales chapter 1 . 3/23/2014
You truly bring the family aspect of this trio to life. The show portrays it well, but you make it palpable with these little moments or full-blown stories. Thank you.
superlc529 chapter 1 . 2/24/2014
Absolutely brilliant. A delve into the Doctor's mind. I love the imagery you drew when the Doctor was thinking about his 'original' self with Susan and how that Doctor would turn and run at him in the here and now, at the oldness and heaviness of his eyes. And the parallel of family of the Ponds. :)

This was incredible. I really truly loved it. I'm glad I was able to read it when I had time and wasn't rushing to go to work or anything. So sweet. Phenomenal job again. The urge to hug the Doctor in every incarnation after this increased eleven or rather thirteen-fold. ;) So bittersweet. :D
Kina Kalamari chapter 1 . 2/24/2014
Ahhhhh... That was gorgeous. There was a line I really liked but since I'm writing this on my phone it isn't really feasible for me to go find it.

I loved this, though. You beautifully expressed most of my own opinions on how regeneration might work. And the bit of Pond at the end was frakking adorable. :)
redgrass-and-silvertrees chapter 1 . 2/23/2014
Wow, this is freaky. I just finished a one-shot last night talking about this very idea. I was very excited by that revelation in Time of the Doctor because I instantly felt it explained all of 11's character. You could go back and watch his episodes and feel it in his presence. Can you imagine what that must be like? You did a fabulous job here, you did a great job capturing the sense of fear and entrapment he must have felt and I feel it fits well in the time frame you put it in. I love all of your shots, no matter how long or short they are, they all seem to capture the character's perfectly.
PhoenixDragonDreamer chapter 1 . 2/23/2014
This was beautiful...and very much him. It definitely makes you think - he had a family in the beginning. He had one at the end. I can see why he fought so hard to keep it, because they were suppose to see the end of him, not the other way around -

Ohhh, Doctor.

*hugs you*
