Reviews for He Chose Titans
Guardian of knowledge chapter 1 . 5/27/2019
I started my days as a writer on this site. As I grew older I lost interest, and ever since I took a professional writing class I only come back here occasionally when I feel inspired by an anime or book.
I don't usually stay for long. It's an amateurs site, and I can no longer enjoy most foca because of their poor writing, but in this very instance I feel the apology most leave at the beginning of their fics was far from justified.
The quality of your writing is stunning. You write with self-respect, precision and accuracy. It's easy to get carried away when writing non-canon romances, but I can feel the same composure in you as in the characters you write. I usually measure the quality of a fanfic by trying to find myself in the room, watching he scene play out, and I have no difficulty in doing that in this piece of writing. Your sense of detail I respect most of all.
I'm only on chapter one, and I'm free from university's burdens for the summer. Thank you so very much for offering me a reading experience such as this to spend all my free time on. I will get back to you as my reading goes on, but I doubt the quality of your writing will worsen as time goes on. Perfection is the product of hard work.
Guardian of Knowledge
Guest chapter 24 . 4/12/2019
Muroun chapter 43 . 2/10/2019
This was a phenomenal work of fiction. I feel as though you truly captured the essence of each character, and the emotion exhausted in their deaths and lives. I'm new to this fandom, but expect it will son become one of my core works. I'm sorry to know of Erwin's death in the upcoming anime, but I think that this fiction makes me feel a little better about it.

I think that what was best for Erwin may have been dying before his dream was reached. Levi does have more strength, as you expressed in this work of art. I hope that he has the strength to move past Erwin's death. A small part of men would love a fiction after Erwin's upcoming death, but I know there isn't likely happiness to come and maybe it wasn't in the cards for their lifetime. I really appreciate your time in writing this and delving so deep into all of the characters. Thank you.
Ashinia chapter 43 . 6/11/2017
Before this story I didn't even know attack on titan, well i did but i never really watched it and only found this fic while going through someone else's favorite stories and, I mean just wow. I finished reading about a week ago and binge watched AOT and the way your story fits into the actual anime is just spectacular! The emotion and relationship development and characters were so bloody realistic, I absolutely loved lord Sahlo (im a sucker for a good antagonist) and bloody hell! I absolutely must recommend this to everyone i know
1stPrelude chapter 43 . 4/6/2017
Alright, so...I honestly sat and read this for two days straight. It is possibly one of the best fanfictions I've ever (like seriously EVER) read. It is so amazing, that I also caught up with the manga and sought out the OVA episodes, just because it didn't seem possible to me that this wasn't canon. You write SO well! I didn't honestly pay that much attention to Levi and Erwin in the anime/manga, since Eren, Mikasa, and Armin were the highlighted characters. But holy hell, the subtleties you picked up and wove off into this incredible backstory, I feel like I understand all the characters in the original story so much better. Like when Petra died and the conversation with her dad...just...gah. Just thinking of your backstory with the letter and his conversation with Petra, also revealing his relationship with Erwin. It struck me that much more to rewatch it. I don't even care if it's not actually canon, it'll be in the back of my mind as they release more episodes/chapters. They already made the feelings between Ymir and Krista obvious, so all of what you wrote seems equally plausible that the author intended for Erwin and Levi to have a relationship, but just didn't blatantly state it.

And...oohhh my god. I was hoping you would carry this story to *that* arc in the manga, but I actually ADORE the way you ended it here. It alludes to that scene so hard and I can tangibly feel what Levi must have been thinking in that moment on the well as afterwards when everyone else was questioning his decision and was livid at him for it. Freaking hell...I'm getting choked up just thinking about it.

So...Bravo. You developed so many different characters in this story, you wrote a relationship that was so multi-faceted, vivid, and beautiful that I don't know how anyone could read this with a cold heart. You made that part so real amongst a chaotic, unbelievable world. Which...I also wondered if you were ex-military, because the tactics and strategy you included, as well as the post-battle much respect.

I wanted to leave one large review that, hopefully, will get more people to read through this. I feel like this needs the most follows/favorites/reviews. I might go back and comment on individual chapters, since I'll probably go back and re-read them. I hope you continue with your gift of writing. I will look forward to anything else you have to offer. xx
booberry123 chapter 42 . 7/26/2016
My poor Mike. I actually started crying when I got to that chapter. I don't think I'll be able to watch that animated. I'm just happy my babies got married! Speaking of babies, congrats on yours!
booberry123 chapter 41 . 7/26/2016
Lol I had to exit because I was so embarrassed for poor Jean. I missed this story so much! I kind of feel like this is my season two, except somehow more heartwrenching.
tsukishiro31 chapter 24 . 2/27/2016
KayJayLew chapter 38 . 2/26/2016
Sorry, I'm always commenting as a guest, but I'm too lazy to login. You know the feeling. Anyways,
I've noticed (naturally,) that you're trying to keep this story as canonical as possible. If that isn't true, my bad, but I thought that this might help if that was the case. You may have already seen this, but it's a video on YouTube called "101 facts of Attack on Titan." It is as it says, and I've researched the information that the narrator claimed were facts, and they were all true, and were all in interviews by the creator an producers of SnK. It doesn't make a huge difference to your story, but there are some interesting pieces in there that might change some character development.
Two of those things: Levi literally cannot get drunk. Hasayama said that when he was in the underground, he essentially became immune to alcohol. Another piece (also about Levi,) is that he typically only gets 2-3 hours of sleep each night. So small things, but interesting nontheless.
You can probably just ignore this as I highly doubt that this might change things in the story, especially since it's your story and obviously things aren't going to be the exact same, but I've just always appreciated how easily this story melds into canon, so I thought I would contribute to a few things that you might take note of.
Needless to say, this chapter was amazing, keep up the great work!
noipls chapter 37 . 2/15/2016
Loving where the story is going! Keep up the awesome work :) I'm really enjoying this!
ArtemisJade chapter 18 . 1/28/2016
I was reading an international news article about a woman in Greece who's taking up a strange worship. Her name is Helena Smith. It took me a full minute to stop giggling.
ArtemisJade chapter 37 . 1/27/2016
Hilarious and well done. When Erwin wouldn't stop going on and on about how awesome Eren is had the impression that Levi was narrowing his eyes in jealously. When it came up later I felt good that I had enough of a read on Levi to know it before he brought it up himself. I love the way you write these characters. Very consistent.
ArtemisJade chapter 28 . 1/20/2016
What I love most about this story is the plot. Even if this wasn't lemon filled and tangy I'd most definitely be reading it. I have a short attention span and I don't like giant paragraphs of details; your writing style is absolutely perfect. What I like most is the pacing and how the chracters don't have more information than the readers so we're allowed to play along and try to solve the mystery with them. I have a few hypothesis myself about who, where and how come, and I very much look forward to seeing how well I did coming up with them. Well done so far and I'm looking forward to reading more from you.
MaskedMuse chapter 37 . 1/9/2016
Can't wait to see what happens from here!(: so excited! Can't wait to see how their relationship changes!
xoxoashleygirl chapter 37 . 1/3/2016
That last line... Gave me goosebumps! I feel so inarticulate when it comes to reviewing this fic. It's not often I'm left speechless. This is required reading in this fandom. It's so thoughtful, mature, and lots of other adjectives that I can't think of right now. This is what fanfiction is suppose to be. Thank you, Masks. Thank you!
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