Reviews for Light Up the Darkness
Guest chapter 16 . 9/27/2015
So happy to see another chapter of this great story!
Really enjoying the intricate plot! Please post more soon!
FicFan chapter 16 . 9/26/2015
A fabulous chapter! So very happy to see more of this very clever fic. I hope you can wrestle that muse of yours and delight us with some more wonderful writing soon! Can not wait to see what happens next :)
jessnicole chapter 16 . 9/24/2015
Unverse chapter 16 . 9/23/2015
Yay an update! Please continue, I find you story highly intriguing and interesting
AvalonTheLadyKiller chapter 16 . 9/22/2015
I really enjoyed hearing from you! It's been a while. I will say that I agree; the story from both shows doesn't feed my Klaroline vibes one bit. That's why I come here. In reading these fanfics, I'm able to separate the online worlds from reality. These stories keep that flame burning in my heart. This one in particular just feeds that fire. I adore that you've preserved that raw bleeding would that is Klaus. He's no one's superman, that's for sure & Caroline's not perfect either. But you seem to have a firm grasp on both of them. I'd love to see you find some inspiration between these two. Have you been able to go back & watch some of those key moments or episodes? That really helps center me, when I'm writing. Just being able to find that one element of the tale that feeds my passion, however small, really is everything. If you'd be interested in some help brainstorming, I'd be more than happy to help out. I really believe you could make something of this one.
Purpleme523 chapter 15 . 12/7/2014
OMG OMG OMG I love this story! Please please please update soon. More klaroline action please! They should just get together already. 15 chapters is torture enough!
AvalonTheLadyKiller chapter 15 . 9/30/2014
Fabulous, as always. Things are finally becoming clearer, as we delve into who has the right motive to act. Though, we're still bound to be continuously surprised, in the coming chapters. Its just TVD & TO law, to punch us in the face with surprises.
jessnicole chapter 15 . 9/24/2014
I always want so much more with each chapter! Love it So love Caroline in this, this is the Caroline I love, smart, organized and colour co-originated!
Ellavm18 chapter 15 . 9/24/2014
LOVED IT! cannot wait for the next one like cant wait! loving bonnie and caroline bffing oh wish they spin off those 2!
Meridiean chapter 15 . 9/24/2014
:( Poor Klaus and Klaus' not-baby. Hope they can get it all fixed soon - getting rid of Marcel in the process, of course...
xshynenstarx chapter 15 . 9/23/2014
Could be Esther too. I mean she's tried to kill all her children in the past, while Mikael seems to just seems to focus on killing klaus. If we are talking about eradicating all vampire my money is more on Esther aka worst mother ever. Please update soon.
LoveOfAVampire chapter 14 . 9/4/2014
LOVE this story! Update soon!
jessnicole chapter 14 . 9/3/2014
Seriously there was Caroline and I didn't even notice, Bonnie and Caroline's friendship is so great in this, I am so enjoying them! You do so well with relationships in your story i commented a few chapters back that Klaus and Rebekahs rapport was phenomenal and you have accomplished this again. Well done
AvalonTheLadyKiller chapter 14 . 9/2/2014
As these two bond, it becomes more apparent by the second, that they'll be heading south for an indefinite amount of time. I wonder where Klaus's head will be at, when he finds out. Especially as he's worrying over her influencing him negatively. At the most, she'd bring out his humanity. I can't say Rebekah would despise her for that, but in jealousy, I could.
Ellavm18 chapter 14 . 9/1/2014
loved all the bonnie caroline bonding :) thanks so much for the update
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