Reviews for Sonic IRL (Series)
avidreader chapter 17 . 7/19
Please continue. I sense a love triangle. Like the Shakespearean play much ado about nothing. And a bit of beauty and the beast. I know who's the beast. Cc. I love this fanfic please continue writing it.
ShadAmy1Fan - Shylah McVey chapter 17 . 1/18
Ahhhhh I HATE Clyde! She should just be with Hoshi _-_ on another note this chapter was adorable. It was very long XD but I love long chapters. More to read! Also I think it’s fitting that Hopes Christian P Clyde can be the devil Tempting her to evil -_- she should reject him forthwith! Also the Sonics and Amy’s were adorable~~ japanese sonics teasing is too much for poor japanese Amy also I loved that pun. As someone who dabbles in coding once in a blue moon, it made me laugh lol P
Yen-chan chapter 17 . 12/19/2019
Hoshi x Hope ples owo
And my heart, my babies have gone through so much another wonderful chapter, and clyde definitely lost points to me for hurting Dr. Eggman, have respect for the elderly Mr. CC xD
NeckBreak chapter 17 . 12/19/2019
Cyrus clyde is such an degenerated asshole! I hope he dies alone.
Gokuu the Carrot chapter 16 . 10/6/2018
Ok ok... Okokok... Dude dude... This was so frikkin awesome you don't even know lol I'm gonna... Save this somehow. Ggnnhhhh it was AmAzINGly aMaZIng and I can't wait till you get another idea or whatever
ShadAmy1Fan - Shylah McVey chapter 16 . 8/30/2018
Originally I wasn’t going to read this. Every time I see “one shot” I kind of get immediately turned off. But you’re such a great writer that I subscribed to your profile and when you came out with an update for this story I was notified and decided to read it anyways.

Let me just tell you how GLAD I am that I read this! The word “one shot” still makes me uneasy but this is basically just a never ending story so I think it’s ok lol you certainly have built up a fine world! Your idea is super unique for real world/animated interactions and I love it. I also love Sonamy. And I LOVE your explanations for the way they act in the games! And the hq move to LA XD you’re a genius lol

I was scared you were actually gonna retcon the whole Sonamy thing near the end there, but I’m glad you didn’t P also I love the Sonamy in sonic boom lol I love how you explained that as well. You’re very creative as well as resourceful with all the information ) it’s been fun!
NeckBreak chapter 16 . 8/28/2018
IT'S NO USE I'M OUTTA USE chapter 15 . 8/3/2018
Ahhhhhhh this was all worth the wait dude! I completely forgot you updated and mentally shooting myself for not reviewing earlier lol. This was so cute, so fun and well creative! Great job Mayra~
MissMJS chapter 15 . 7/26/2018
Oh my hell, this overload of fluff nearly killed me! WAHH! I do believe in SonAmy, I do! I do!
Clyde and Sophie though... that thought won’t leave my head now... and dear Hoshie! Why? Whyyyy?
Wonderful chapter, as usual!
ilovecats86 chapter 4 . 5/27/2018
I'm surprised how invested I am with thus story and concept! I adore how you incorporate slight nationality changes.
I did notice though (and feel free to ignore this section since it's just nitpicking from taking 2 years of Japanese) that on the computer scene with Japanese, Google translate misunderstood you just a tad. Chôdo does mean "right", but more in the "exactly, just right" sense, rather than "right out of the computer." Also, to ask "See what?" he'd say "Nani o mita?"
I worry about how Amy will take this betrayal moving forward, however the American Amy's situation shakes out.
Byrd3-13 chapter 14 . 10/26/2017
Really no terwsting story
dmcr2002 chapter 6 . 9/20/2017
Scarlet-Traveler chapter 14 . 7/29/2017
This was so good, even if it did break my heart several times! You did a great job, and it was worth the wait!
Sonny Rosetta Hedgexo chapter 14 . 5/23/2017
This review is for the overall story, but let me just say this: AAAAHHHHHHH THE FEEEEEEEELS IT BURNS, IT BURNS! I've never been this emotional about a story before, so thank you.
MissMJS chapter 14 . 5/1/2017
Rushed? Bestie, your definition of rush and mine are TOTALLY different! xD
OMG, talk about action in this! And Hoshie! EEEEEEEEE!
If I didn't know any better, I'd say you have it out for American Amy and Sonic! ;)
Sorry to hear about stressful times, but don't you worry your precious little head; take all the time you need for you. :)
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