Reviews for The Last Straw: An Untold Tale of the Second Age
Kinkaju chapter 1 . 11/25/2015
Very amusing, but also well-written and in a way true to canon, despite being a crack-fic. It is implied in canon that Zamorak DID turn against Zaros because he had had enough of following his restrictive rules. Zaros forced his followers to file reports stating their every action and thought. He was effectively running an Orwellian society. Such societies are considered nightmarish by many people in real life. It's not much of a surprise then that some of Zaros's citizens turned against him.

Anyway, I want to thank you for remaining in the RuneScape fandom for so long. There aren't many well-written RuneScape fics, but yours are some of the better ones. I have been a fan of your works for years and very much hope to see more works from you in years to come as well.
Guest chapter 1 . 11/24/2015
This was hilarious. Zaros is an obsessive control freak in canon too. I'm not surprised Zamorak eventually couldn't take it any more.

I love your Runescape works. You always manage to make me laugh. Please never stop writing.
Connor Asfadjnis chapter 1 . 2/19/2014
This is awesome :P Zaros should know that a fedora is the only reliable mark of coolness. For a second I thought he was talking about the headdress of feathers Zamorak seems to like wearing.

Not much to say, but this is hilarious :p