Reviews for The Talk
Raevyn Blackthorn chapter 1 . 7/24/2015
I really like this and the fact you didn't demonize what they did or brush it off. I think most people make it so bad because in the movies its the only time we ever really see James besides the photo album. There aren't any scenes of him doing any of the good things that the characters mention in passing. We only get a view of him four times the album, the mirror( which really shouldn't count) those memories and with the stone., and the memories are drawn more attention to. It bugs me that people forget snapes faults and demonize James as well so I just wanted to say that this piece was very well written and very well balanced between accepting what they did as wrong but not making them out as evil.
Sayo Rio chapter 1 . 11/23/2014
Revise grammar, lack of commas and some sentences that go on for way to long. I liked that it sounded human, something that someone would actually say. I do not agree with it, but it does sound human.
Jack Moore chapter 1 . 6/24/2014
thank you. hate those people who think Snape is some saint. he is so not he was a heartless person who only wanted to help harry because he felt guilty for killing the girl he loved. he did not help harry for the good of his heart (of witch he does not have) he still is a jerk. and yes james was not a saint but come on who was . so thanks for writing this .
Guest chapter 1 . 2/18/2014
Not a bad story but you must put more space in it for I find it hard to read !

Other than that it's ok !

The Crimson Mage.
P.S: Hope you had a nice Valentine's day !
Fleur d'epine W chapter 1 . 2/19/2014
THANK YOU for that, thank you for trying to bring back the "truth", and thank you for your Sirius. I just totally agree with you. And i think you were very In Character even if, as you said, everyone has their own interpretation and only JK Rowling knows her characters's real personnalities and thoughts (and i'm not even sure that she completely knows it actually :p). James and Sirius did bad things, as did Snape, as did everyone... This is so simplistic to only judge them because of what they did to Severus, back in Hogwarts. And Snape wasn't really innoncent either (even if he didn't deserve what they did to him, at all, i admit that willingly, he did some unforgivable things too when he was a student. We shouldn't forget that). This is just ridiculous to demonize Sirius and James, as you said, they are so much more than just bullies. Especially Sirius, who had a very complex life, between his parents, their expectations, and his desire to be someone else despite of his Black's inheritance. Don't take me wrong, i love Sirius and Severus, they are my favourites in the books. And i think there are no reasons to like one and dislike the other. It's more complicated for me to like James but i think you're very right with the description you did of him. James and Sirius were good person too, they became animagus for Remus, they were so loyal.. And we shouldn't forget that Snape wasn't an angel back at that time, even if i really love him, he persecuted muggle-born, and girls mostly. He was really into dark magic. This is not a reason for James and Sirius to bully him, i repeat myself, but he was not a good guy too. The three are really complex, with both dark and light inside of them, and that's why they are really interesting. And sometimes people are so hypocritical. Really, i'm sure that if they were in Hogwarts at the same time of the Marauders, they wouldn't have liked Snape, at all, because he was very unpleasant and they wouldn't have looked further to see what was hiding behind this sulky appareance. So it really annoys me to read them claiming their love for Snape, defending him whataver cost, without knowing how they would have reacted with him. I don't explain very well what i want to say, it's not easy for me, but i really feel there is hypocrysie by most of Snape's fans. I love Snape but i acknowledge him flaws, and this is the same for Sirius... This is absurd to ignore all Snape's faults in the name of his love for Lily. People who do that musn't really love him, at least not for who he truly is (that's why he's very often OOC i think). So i completely agree with you when you say :
"In order to lift Snape up people seem to need to demonize Sirius and James. Not to mention Snape is usually completely OOC throughout the entire thing. Yes, James and Sirius bullied Snape but there is so much more to both those characters then that. Just as Snape is far more then a victim."
And your story was really coherent. It feels good to see a "good" description of the Marauders. You did it perfectly. You didn't try to ignore their flaws to justify their acts, and that is not very frequent and that was really good of you. So again thank you! I'm so glad someone did it, and did it good.
And really, if they were such devils, why so much people seem to like them? Why Lily would have married this arrogant Potter?

PS : I'm so sorry for my errors, i don't speak fluently english at all! I did my best to express my feelings, but it was not easy at all.
excessivelyperky chapter 1 . 2/18/2014
Ok, now we're all supposed to feel sorry for Sirius Black. So, how does he plan to explain everything else the Marauders did to Snape?

Oh, wait, we're supposed to forget all that. And besides, if it happens to Snape it really doesn't matter.

I'm sure that if Harry asked him about the tunnel in PoA Sirius would have some other answer that would make Harry feel sorry for him, too.
dancingonstars chapter 1 . 2/18/2014
I thought this was very good. Totally in tune with canon and could really be a page right out of the books.