Reviews for Dirty Little Secrets
boredBRAIXEN chapter 3 . 11/29/2019
I just want to say, I've read this story probably 10x now and it's still my favorite ikarishipping story on FFN. I really hope you write another ikarishipping story.
BookLoverxinfinity chapter 9 . 7/5/2017
This story was amazing! It had the perfect amount of romance and sexiness in it without it being rated M. Thank you for the great read!
jovysanchez17 chapter 9 . 5/6/2016
Awww that was really cute. I love the fact that everyone were understanding and knows that a common and normal thind for them may be a big deal for Paul. :)
jovysanchez17 chapter 7 . 5/6/2016
Awww actions do speak louder than words. I love it! They are not official 'official', but at the very least they are exclusive for only each other. I believe there's a technical term for that, but I don't remember. :3 Anyways, things are looking good, things are looking great. I love it! :D
jovysanchez17 chapter 5 . 5/5/2016
I mist say that I loved reading this fanfic, because the topic about friends with benefits is unusual and generally frowned upon. This story made me think about what I will do if I find out that my friends are in a conditional relationship or something like that. Will I blow up and get mad like Leaf? Will I be chill and joke about it like Gary? Would I be able to accept them for who they are and forgive them for their questionable actions and behavior? This series makes me think a lot and makes me appreciate the value of relationships, because seriously only real friends will be able to accept you for who you are after they learn all the dirty little secrets you've been hiding. I'm starting to really love this fic. I love how Leaf cared a lot about her friendshil with Dawn and Paul that she is willing to look past their mistakes and accept them and love them still. This is a great fic indeed and I'm getting excited, because as Leaf said things seem to be getting interesting! :D
jovysanchez17 chapter 4 . 5/5/2016
Arghh Paul is so stupid! What the heck! He's going to sleep with another girl just to prove a point that he doesn't like Dawn? Urghh someone's gonna get hurt or both of them will. It's inevitable. :(
jovysanchez17 chapter 3 . 5/5/2016
Lol Drew and May, their arguments neber cease to entertain me. I'm kind of glad that Dawn and Paul's attempts to make it look like everything's normal and they still hate each other are the reasons why they end up getting closer. I love how they are starting to trust each other and be comdortable, the build up is neither fast or slow so that's a good thing, because it just makes the situation realistic. We all know that you can't just fall in love immediately, falling for someone takes time and I'm glad to see that Dawn and Paul are taking as much time as they need. At least for now they're still having fun. :)
jovysanchez17 chapter 2 . 5/5/2016
Oh ny gosh I am loving this. Don't people realise that rules are meant to be broken? I'd love to see the three ground rules that Dawn and Paul had set be broken one by one. I expect drama darling! :D I love how Paul had been following her eriting since forever, I bet that it will play a big part later on in the story. I'm excited to see if Dawn will see his mini library! Oh gosh oh gosh this story is so good. The concept is kind of mildly taboo, but I can't help but support their friends with benefits relationship for now. I bet it will become very troublesome and chaotic later on, they're way too perfect for each other to be content with just sex and not being official. :3
deant33 chapter 9 . 8/23/2015
It was a good story but I notice a grammatical flaw in your writing. There should always be a capital letter when opening speech marks, no matter if you've written before it. Although when opening secondary speech marks in the same paragraph you don't. For example:

Paul coughed "Yes, but don't make me change my mind." Is what it should have been.
FinlandIsTheBest chapter 9 . 7/30/2015
I usually give comppliments in the last chapter so I have to say you did good jod sometimes it's fun read lemon/sex stories but you didn't need to you did very well (; And I liked it only more than because it was IKARISHIPPING STORY!
rin916 chapter 9 . 11/9/2014
This was such a cute story. It got a little naughty at times if you want to call it that, but you never threw a giant wrench in the plot and made everyone's life a living horror, and when things got bad they resolved quickly so I was not in some sort of duress until it resolved. That made reading this story very enjoyable to read, and it was a good length as well. I think it could have been a little longer, but then again that is because I had such a fun time reading the story I just didn't want it to end. Great Job!
purpleVonD chapter 1 . 8/11/2014
LOVED! From beginning to end! I wasn't sure if I wanted to sign up for fanfiction to be honest, but after reading so many well written stories out there, your story really made me sign up just so I can review!
It's really hard to find a well written story! Especially when the author makes the words come alive in your imagination! VERY WELL WRITTEN! Provocative yet very tasteful! Stayed up all night, literally no sleep, just to read the first 6 chapters! Even though I have to be be up for work :) couldn't wait to get out and rush home to finish reading! Even though I didn't want this story to end, I still had to keep reading! Very well thought out as far as the storyline went! AWESOME JOB! May I suggest something, and I believe I may speak for some of your fans when I ask, please think about making a sequel! I don't think we have seen the last of these two (Dawn and Paul) :D Impeccable work!
Ogamer143 chapter 4 . 4/12/2014
I am only on chapter 4 so far so I am not sure if you have already done this, or not, however I just had to write a small suggestion Paul should do something stupid and the way he makes up for it is he ask's her how to fix the problem as her favorite reader and then he tells her that he is that emailer and proves it. Don't know if that idea is any good or not but I do love your story thank you for writing it.
SilverXxWind chapter 9 . 3/25/2014
I'm sososososo happy with how this story turned out! You wrote everything perfectly, and it all just seemed so realistic and simple, yet entertaining. Btw, sorry for the late review, I was bombarded with things to do :/ but better late than never!

I'm very impressed with Paul's character development in this chapter. It's good to see that he has a legitimate reason for being reluctant to talk to Dawn's mother, and it's good that Reggie was the one who allowed that event to unfold. By using another character as a catalyst for Paul's explanation, it allows for more background information in a very natural manner. It's also really good to see Paul explaining things to Joanna, and to see him going to her (to dance with her) because she reminds him of his mother. It's evidence that Paul will have a bit of a motherly figure in his future with Dawn. Another important moment for Paul is when he kisses Dawn in front of though he does it out of frustration because of what she says, it pushes him out of his comfort zone, which then leads to him taking her on his lap. The ikari feels were amazing and so natural, it is pure and utter perfection.

Another important moment in this chapter for me is the contestshipping. I'm very pleased with how the scene turned out, and how May hesitates and Drew feels a little disappointment at first because of it. The reason I say this is because even though some people probably wish that she said "I love you" right away, the moment would have been perfect, but also cliched. A lot of people don't actually realize that it's more common to be rendered speechless/ shocked than is it to actually say it back the first time someone tells you they love you, because then it's like the confession has no effect on the person. So that was really smart on your part.

The last thing I want to mention is Misty's sickness. It's a brilliant idea, because it makes the reader very nervous and worried for Misty, and then you find out that she's pregnant! It's a beautiful way to end the story, especially since there wasn't too much Pokeshipping early on in the story. I was smiling like an idiot when she told Ash and he got extremely happy. Also "Be gentle with my pregnant wife!" It's just so Ash. Gahhh

Overall, this story has really been worth my time and I'm incredibly happy with how it turned out. You really have gift for writing, you make everything seem so natural, like breathing, but exciting and realistic at the same time, and those are the kind of stories I like! So really, really good job, and keep up the amazing writing!

Writerk1 chapter 9 . 3/18/2014
It is official, so much love. It was an awesome story:) It began with a dare and it ended with a dare.
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