Reviews for Brooklyn: One Rainy Day
Jaco Be Nimble chapter 11 . 1/2/2006
AIYA! Please PLEASE tell me that seqeul 's up! Cos now, I must go read it! B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L-L ending mate. me lubs. Me now gonna go and read the sequel...

Jaco Be Nimble chapter 8 . 1/1/2006
Ack...if i havent reviewed before, shoot me. Cos this is BEAUTIFUL shtuff. and it's finished. *sighs* ah well...tis getting into me favorites, simply acos it has brilliant writing, a good plot, more brilliant writing, jist ran out of things to say...

*shrugs* Hopefully, the main thing was said...Story going on favorites, me likey LOTS.

And now, i must go as it is...4:37 AM. And im blinking fast enought to set a new land speed record.*blinks tiredly* Also, my dad...will kill me if he wakes up and comes, bye and I LIKE YOUR WRITING!

Jaco Be Nimble chapter 2 . 12/29/2005
This. Is. Brilliant. Me lubs..heheh. Mercy*tackle huggles* He rocks. So does Ruin.

Ek! I've found another person who writes late at night! I do not feel quite so stupid and odd now! . ... No, that's not me saying your stupid or odd..That's me saying *I* am :/.

Alex chapter 11 . 4/2/2005
i know u published and finished this a while ago, but i liked it and wanted to review any way. it was ineteresting from first sentence to the last sentence.

you even left it so that there could be a great coming sequal. i dont know if ur planning one, but i would read it.

i kinda want to know if anything happend to Blink... :)

excellent job.

Elyse chapter 11 . 3/26/2005
That was good. I was a little confused cause of all the characters, but I eventually got it. Nice story. Can't wait to read the secret. I hope Mercy's not dead. I like him.
Morning Dew chapter 11 . 11/25/2004
Lovely story, Kez!

I thoroughly enjoyed reading it, and I specially liked the way it was set up...with a different character's point of view for each chapter. Aw, and I heart Mercy. *huggles him*

Brooky. is. STONED chapter 11 . 8/3/2004
i think i already said this in, yknow, the last chapter, but im gunna say it again.

o my god. you are a god.

its 144 in the morning. i have to go to sleep. then i have to get up and IMMEDIATELY go to the dentist. and i am going to be sitting in that dentists chair the whole time ignoring the gross stuff in my mouth and thinking about what could possibly happen in the sequel. o my god. the sequel. thank the LORD it exists.

you see that checkbox that says "add story to my favorite stories list"? i checked it. and just in case youve forgotten...

o my god. you are a god. -B
Brooky. is. STONED chapter 10 . 8/3/2004
::blink. blink.::


o my god. you are a god. i forgot to breathe for a while there.

this is way, way, WAY better than a review can justify. it is just that good. -B
Brooky. is. STONED chapter 9 . 8/3/2004
ransom, eh? oo, the plot still thickening even this far in. must... read... more... *continues* -B
Brooky. is. STONED chapter 8 . 8/3/2004
o mouse, you dirty rotten scoundrel.

yknow. i have a friend named mouse. but actually its andrew. but still.

im sad. cause i only have three chapters left to go, and this is so good. -B
Brooky. is. STONED chapter 7 . 8/3/2004
dude. this fight. is SO COOL. i love it.

also. what are you getting at? it IS a war cry! -B
Brooky. is. STONED chapter 6 . 8/3/2004
oo! i love tangly webs like this, really i do.

and i want to give callie a big, big, BIG huge hug. and some hot chocolate. because face it, hot chocolate solves everything. -B
Brooky. is. STONED chapter 5 . 8/3/2004
who needs hammers when youve got marbles, eh? i played that part in my head with the contest. MAN. it was dang cool. 10 points to you for that. -B
Brooky. is. STONED chapter 4 . 8/3/2004
hah. reviews and fluff. i get it. go me. XD

i love love love ore too. i also love peanut butter. wow. i should hang out with your puppies. -B
Brooky. is. STONED chapter 3 . 8/3/2004
reviews are like newsies. absolutely necessary and best when covered in whipped cream.

well put, my dear. VERY well put.

"So I’m here, thinking they’re talking about the cow, right?" at that i laughed.

i realize all i talk about in reviews are the funny parts. but i really do like the serious parts too. honestly. theyre great. -B
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