Reviews for Dancing Winds
Guest chapter 15 . 5/11
Please, give any sign that you're still around. I really miss ur story!
Guest chapter 15 . 4/18
Talk about enough free time to bitch about someone else's fictional story and pairing. Ough to be ashamed of yourself.
Guest chapter 15 . 4/18
Animeandfanficlover, how THE FUCK is MadaraxSakura and HinataxMadara more believable than TemarixMadara? It's a super freaking crack pairing too. Madara doesn't even know who the fuck Hinata is. Stop trying to bullshit and try to get the author to write about the crap repetitive couples you like. That's pathetic enough. Madara didn't even say a word to Hinata. That's more "believable". Why are Sakura/Hinata idiotic fans like that? Geez, came to the review only to bitch that the author wasn't writing about some shit YOU (probably only you) think it's more "canon". Fuck off, cunt
Guest chapter 15 . 4/30/2019
Sincerely? You broke my heart. I really believed you wouldn’t abandon this story
AnimeandFanficLover chapter 15 . 12/31/2018
I read through all 15 chapters in two days... And this is...pretty freaking amazing! So amazing, in fact, that I wonder why you don't get more faves and followers? Then I thought maybe it's the pairing because it's DEFINITELY not the story. Madara/Temari is such a crack pairing that people have a heard time finding believable, no matter what the circumstance. There's good crack pairings, like Sakura/Neji or Kakashi/fem-Iruka. Then there's bad crack pairings this Madara/Temari. Even I had initially had a hard time disgesting the story (the pairing is just SO unusual and unbelievable to make it work), but after the first four or five chapters, I was hooked! I bet you would more reviews if this were a Madara/Sakura or Madara/Naruko (fem-Naruto) story. Hell, even Madara/fem-Sasuke would do. Or even Madara/Hinata (I've seen quite a few of those). Once again, love the story!
kimimakasato chapter 15 . 10/22/2018
Ghad. This is probably hilarious but I keep wandering back here over and over. It makes me sad that you haven't updated for a span of three years already. I've found a lot of writers who adored this story of yours and some even attempted to give this an ending and twists of their own.
But we are all dying to know what happens next in your version. It's a little disheartening that there's a huge possibility you abandoned this story for good but if you do happen to chance across this comment, please try to consider continuing this.
I'm a very huge fan of Temari and amongst all the fanfictions I've read of her, yours is the best and well-portrayed character she had. This story will always be the number one to reach deep inside my soul and make me feel the helplessness and difficult situation that she's in in your story.
Please continue this.
Revanchist21 chapter 15 . 9/1/2018
This story is very interesting,innovative and amazing! I really hope you will have more chapters in the near future soon since this story is getting good! Keep up the good work man! Hope you will finish making more chapters in the near future soon!
kimimakasato chapter 1 . 8/3/2018
Still back hereeeeee. I really can't get this story out of my head and I need a closureeeeeee.
Please update and continueeeee.
We're all eager on what Temari is gonna do to maintain her sanity and fight back against Madara.
LM chapter 15 . 7/12/2018
I read this story years ago and I thought about it now out of nowhere...
I wish you cotinued it...I need closure. It had a good plot and was a well written story.
kimimakasato chapter 1 . 6/28/2018
Mystica chapter 9 . 1/31/2018
First, I like the sexy time during lunch that Madara had with T!
Now, about chapter 8, what does thay mean for Temari? If she had a child with madara it would have the rinnegan because of hiromo’s brother?
It was so cute for Gaara and Kankuro to defend their sister’s honor and skills. Shino is such a gentleman. I would really like to see more of him! I liked how he handled their talk at the kage’s meeting. If they see tema again will Shinzo come in any contact with her? I felt so sorry for poor Gaara when he thought Masada was torturing T because of him.
This chapter had a very dark ending. I feel terrible for Tema. I want to see how she’s going to keep enduring that without losing her mind.
Also, I LOVE the song you chose for her dancing! I like that you take the time to search for it. Thank u for your time and work!
btw the link of the song your chose for her dance is not working! I looked it up on yt anyways and I reallyyy liked it!
Mystica chapter 8 . 1/28/2018
wow just wow
Mystica chapter 7 . 1/28/2018
oh oh your story is making me sad since youre actually pointing out things that really happened to Tema. They turned her into a blushing little girl in the movie! The worst part in Gaara book was when she run away crying like a baby. As if she would
Madara’s thought got dark wow. Anyway yes, Temari, Gaara and Kankuro are related to all kazekages since in order for one to be a kage in suna, you must share the same blood or they adopt you, you can’t just compete for the throne unless you’re related to them. At least thats what it says in Gaaras book. In each country it works differently
Mystica chapter 6 . 1/27/2018
This is funny and kind of cute so far. Also funny that I, and probably everyone, pictures T as a strong woman and I can imagine her being angry for being commanded to serve Madara his food. The fun in it is that she has actually been reduced to that since now she serves Shikamaru and Shikadai and cooks for them. I never pictured her like that though. Poor temari
Weeabbo chapter 15 . 1/18/2018
I’m still here, you know? Gun keep my hopes up and expect you to be back this year, please! It’s over 2 yrs now, right? This is great and unique, you have to keep up.
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